Yeah, I'm slow sometimes. I just realized that Q was plainly telling Nate he was safe, along with providing him the correct contacts.
Top notch, Q. This is the one I was worried about for a while. Turns out, I'm just a dummy sometimes.
Yeah, I'm slow sometimes. I just realized that Q was plainly telling Nate he was safe, along with providing him the correct contacts.
Top notch, Q. This is the one I was worried about for a while. Turns out, I'm just a dummy sometimes.
And this got me to thinking. Who's the sleeper Wray is looking for?
We put the spotlight on him for this very reason.
He has no choice now but to remain in the light.
This is not a game.
Trump caught their plants, and is using them as publicity taunts to fuck with the DS. Holy shit, that's some Tom Clancy shit if I've ever seen it!
HOLY SHIT. They knew EXACTLY what operatives would press to get close to @POTUS. They literally lead them all into a trap. Oh man… this is fucking GENIUS.
People are going to take to the streets to find out the real. This is going to get insane. This shit is going to make people mad as hell when the truth comes staring them in the faces.
>DS sleepers run deep through our justice system and must be cleaned out first.