WTF i dont like this.
Well, if you didn't know it before than you do now. POTUS has some massive balls made of titanium.
I have something I feel compelled to admit based on POTUS' successful visit to India.
I find Indian chicks sexy as f.
If that ain't gangster I don't know what is.
kek'd and nauseated
Psalm 29
A psalm of David.
Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings,
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
worship the Lord in the splendor of his[a] holiness.
The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
the God of glory thunders,
the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
the voice of the Lord is majestic.
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars;
the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
He makes Lebanon leap like a calf,
Sirion[b] like a young wild ox.
The voice of the Lord strikes
with flashes of lightning.
The voice of the Lord shakes the desert;
the Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh.
The voice of the Lord twists the oaks[c]
and strips the forests bare.
And in his temple all cry, โGlory!โ
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood;
the Lord is enthroned as King forever.
The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace.
notice anything about the commercials in India?
Go to google and search for white couples
Very astute guess