She is bad. Anons remember
Doesnt matter what you post. It is what it is. Thise who need to know who she is and what she tried to do….know
She is bad. Anons remember
Doesnt matter what you post. It is what it is. Thise who need to know who she is and what she tried to do….know
You clearly were not here watching that day. I was. Q was. USSS was.
Doesnt matter what you post. It is what it is. She did what she did. She is scared. That's why she keeps going screeeeeee….screeeeeee….screeeeee
Anons remember
Keep screaming. It's all the rage now with your kind. Watch Schiff. He does it too. He will get his. So will 'Kate'
Kate's #1 problem is she is stupid. #2 problem is she is crazy.
Her plan failed because stupid. Too stupid to know not to pull her stupid shit. Too stupid to succeed. Now too stupid to shut the fuck up.
She is crazy and feeds on the drama, craves the so-called, made up 'danger'.
Just another failed Twat famewhore. And she sucked you in.
I just watch the rats scramble. That's all
I watched what she did at the end of that rally, and what happened when she did it.
Doesnt matter what you post
She is a scared, batshit crazy, famewhore loser. Look to Twitter. Look at ALL her accounts, past and present. Bitch is insane. And doubtful that she is even a she. Dumbasses indeed
Nobody gives a FLYING FUCK about Kate Spazz. She is a famewhore who wont ever stop because she cant. She is batshit crazy, waving her crazy flag high so everybody can see. Dont give a shit what she is doing or why. She is stupid and has no place on this board. We are anon. Kate Spazz chooses not to be anon. Not our problem
They all are. Beto was too
Kate is insane. She was insane before the shit she tried to pull at the rally, and she continues to display her insanity still now.
Nobody on this board gives two shits about her. She cycles through here trying to get traction every few months, including posting her tits here. That didnt even work. She isnt anon and doesnt belong here. She can have her Twat drama on Twat. She isnt of this board. Keep trying - she will never pass anons' sniff test. She stinks
The word you are too stupid to spell correctly is 'heroine', Einstein. You stupid fucks will follow anyone. You didnt go dig all her Twat accounts, did you? She has MANY. She is batshit crazy. And stupid. It follows that you would have attached yourself to her. Dumbfuck. You're not anon either. Anons know better
Stupid people gonna stupid. I dont follow any of the Twat fucks. Zero
I dont have Twitter. Didnt invite the Katefags here