Anonymous ID: 3fa61f Feb. 24, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.8241122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1137

The other night, I opened my front door to look up at the stars & at the corner light, some guy in a red truck gunned it to turn left onto my street, freaked me out enough that I quickly stepped back into my house.

About 2 seconds later, he stops right out front & then a police car turns on their lights right behind him.

She went up to his window, she said something about his going through the light.

He took out something, larger than a wallet or anything, it seemed like a tablet or laptop, could have been paper and it shined because she had her flash light on it.

Anyway, she pauses then I here he say "Ok, then you have a good night"

And she went back to her car.

She pulled him over & only talked to him for maybe 2 minutes tops.


See something, Say something. It was weird is all I'm saying.

Anonymous ID: 3fa61f Feb. 24, 2020, 11:18 p.m. No.8241726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1740


The `st thing that popped into my mind was families. The Sr.

Trump & other press conferences the past few days have talked A LOT about blood & families.

I mean, POTUS even said something about getting a blood test. He said how they were 100$ 79$ or sale $39 hereditary.cpm i forgot) has a DNA test onsale for $39 regularly $79