Anyone else watching all the India goings on and realizing you actually really like the Indian accent?
I haven't made a 'poo in loo' joke the whole time.
Anyone else watching all the India goings on and realizing you actually really like the Indian accent?
I haven't made a 'poo in loo' joke the whole time.
I'm almost fully convinced Bernie is on our side behind the scenes and guiding the redeemable left-leaners in this direction away from the Democrats.
Enemy of my enemy type thing. If he loses the nomination, runs as an independent and splits the vote it would make even more sense.
Being sneaky? What's Q then?
Many have alluded to near-utopian conditions at the end of all this. I remain skeptical, but it would be nice to visit a super-advanced and peaceful India or Congo or Afghanistan.
You're gonna feel silly when it turns out I'm right.
Half those girls have probably had more sex than you have, tbh.
Once you see it..
Where muh seized assets at, Dan?
I swear they grow these fuckers in a lab.
Now these are some high quality, topical maymays.
>financial system collapses in black swan event and completely restructures itself within a month
From my understanding, we all would have been dead from nuclear annihilation by 2018.
In this timeline, all they can do is monitor and spy. Which they've always done anyway.
I hate weeknights when all the important people are sleeping.
Without them, night shift is just schizos projecting at each other for 8 hours.