Also, you catch the line by the spook where he says they aren’t sending their best? Found it funny since it’s said here a lot.
Also, you catch the line by the spook where he says they aren’t sending their best? Found it funny since it’s said here a lot.
That was my thought. No actual basis for it, but it crossed my mind for sure.
Define Zionist for me, just curious as to what you think it means.
Your mom has your warm soy milk ready, bernie bro. Time for bed. Shame I took those trips from you, now you have another (you) to make up for it. And the operator comment, is perfect projection. Well done faggot, commies trained you well.
How big of a fucking moran do you have to be to type what you did? I asked a question, politely. Have your bot answer it. I’m still waiting for the original op to reply. All I have is your dumbass with my hook fully through your mouth and coming out your eye. You took it hook, line and sinker, zeb.
Then fucking define it. You are pure entertainment for me due to your absolute inability to articulate a damn thing.
Q brings up mb and islam and the moojoos go full reeee. Just a coincidence, I’m sure. Hey Q want to bring up china again? Should provide for more entertainment from the shills.
Project projection in full reeeeee mode. You see that drop earlier about the mb? Or the one long ago about hussein’s faith? Of course you did, it’s why you are here doing what you’re doing. True Patriots have known for a long time what was going on, the blades of grass were only waiting to reveal themselves. You lost because it was your destiny.
Thanks iman.
No problem zeb.
Good night cuckcake, don’t let the goats bite.