Anonymous ID: d5af2c Feb. 24, 2020, 10:40 p.m. No.8241491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1521 >>1547 >>1551


Just occurred to me what this might mean in part (multiple meanings)

Did you see this brute’s post yesterday with it’s torment about dehydration?

It reminded me of the Bush’s buying up land in South America that boasted massive water reserves.


Bear with me here…

I have a dog that is terrified of thunderstorms. So much so, my life comes to a full halt during a storm. Dog came to me via my sister and we were talking about thunderstorms and I asked could she remember we always had them especially in summer, (Melbourne Australia) but that we hadn’t had any for ages… until I got this dog. Just my luck right? It was a joke we had.


Then it occurred to me.

I got this dog around the time of the Trump presidency.


Were they controlling the weather with a view to redirecting water placement? With a view to dehydrate us to death? And the total absence of thunderstorms was part of the process?

And that’s what WATCH THE WATER means… watch the storage levels rise. See water flow back to its natural places.


Australia has been burnt out with the assistance of massive accumulation of ground fuel due to green policies. The refusal of politicians to listen to reasoning by farmers, conservationists and fire services is profound. Then while the place is burning down around our ears, we are swamped with wave after wave of storms.


If what I’m suggesting is right, then thank you on behalf of all Australians. My firefighting brother informed me today that they are still burning but are contained.


Did Patriots turn the spigot back to normal?

This is the most ‘out there’ theory I’ve proffered here.

Gonna shout meself a store bought tin foil hat.