Anonymous ID: ed6107 Feb. 24, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.8241121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1170 >>1669

Meet Naomi Seibt - The 19-Year-Old, Blond Antidote To Greta Thunberg


In what is a somewhat shocking lead article, the Washington Post has written a feature on Naomi Seibt, a German climate skeptic and YouTuber that WaPo describes as “…19-year-old German who, like Greta, is blond, eloquent and European.”



Naomi denounces “climate alarmism,” calls climate consciousness “a despicably anti-human ideology,” and has even deployed Greta’s now famous “How dare you?” line to take on the mainstream German media.


Of course, there is a reason why WaPo decided to show Naomi to the world… to set the narrative - that she is a climate-denying, right-wing racist…


In addition to climate change, Naomi echoes far-right skepticism about feminism and immigration.


The German media have described her as sympathetic to the nationalist Alternative for Germany (AfD), the biggest opposition party in parliament, whose leaders have spoken of fighting “an invasion of foreigners.”


Naomi says she is not a member of AfD - she describes herself as libertarian - but acknowledges speaking at a recent AfD event.


Seibt was interviewed by Sky News Australia last week to discuss her story.


“What the climate skeptics, or climate realists say, makes a lot of sense to me, scientifically,” Seibt said in the interview.


“And that's how I became really passionate about the topic.”


“I think this entire climate mainstream narrative is not about science at all. Because I would say that more than 90% of the people, especially the young people, who go to those Fridays for Future protests, they have no clue what they're actually talking about. They don't know anything about the science behind it. All they know is, this is the mainstream, and they are actually scared many of them I think that the planet is going to end like 12 years from now. And so, this is not about science. This is about politics. This is about controlling us.”


As WaPo reports, Naomi said her political activism was sparked a few years ago when she began asking questions in school about Germany’s liberal immigration policies. She said the backlash from teachers and other students hardened her skepticism about mainstream German thinking. More recently, she said that watching young people joining weekly “Fridays For Future” protests inspired by Greta helped spur her opposition to climate change activism.



“I get chills when I see those young people, especially at Fridays for Future. They are screaming and shouting and they’re generally terrified,” she said in an interview.


“They don’t want the world to end.”


Later this week, Naomi is set to make her American debut at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, a high-profile annual gathering just outside Washington of right-leaning activists.

Anonymous ID: ed6107 Feb. 24, 2020, 9:52 p.m. No.8241130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1191 >>1352 >>1505 >>1679 >>1770

Attorneys for Assange to Introduce Evidence 'Involving Trump’s New Intel Chief'


On Monday, hearings took place for the extradition of imprisoned co-founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, facing charges of espionage and computer hacking following the 2010 leak of classified materials relating to military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Lawyers for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are planning to introduce evidence in Assange’s extradition proceedings that suggest the involvement of Richard Grenell, the new intelligence chief in the US President Donald Trump administration, in an alleged plot to arrest Assange on the order of Trump, according to Politico.


Representatives for Assange’s defence team are intending to argue during the hearings this week in London that the extradition process of their client was abused at an early stage. They are reportedly expected to introduce recordings and screenshots of communications of Arthur Schwartz, a Grenell associate, in addition to a secondhand claim that the official was fulfilling Trump’s orders.


The team is also expected to claim that Grenell’s involvement was extensive and that it corrupted the extradition process early by agreeing to exclude a particular sentence before allowing a trial and sentencing to take place.


Arguments by Assange’s defence team reportedly cite an ABC News report from April 2019 which alleges that Grenell, then the US ambassador to Germany, asked the Ecuadorean embassy in the UK to hand over the Australian citizen, promising not to pursue the death penalty.


The attorneys are expected to provide evidence that will reveal how Trump politicized the extradition process.


Those materials were given to the defence team by Assange defender and former Sputnik employee Cassandra Fairbanks and will be introduced to the court as soon as Wednesday, according to Politico, citing a source.


Australian national Assange is currently sought by the US for extradition to face multiple charges of espionage, following the leak of classified materials relating to US military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2010.


If brought to and convicted in the United States, Assange could face a prison term of up to 170 years. The ongoing initial court hearing in London will likely continue for the rest of this week, with a second hearing set for May.–report/

Anonymous ID: ed6107 Feb. 24, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.8241150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1352 >>1505 >>1679 >>1770

Photos From Final Liberation of Aleppo Demonstrates How MSM Narrative Was False All Along


Western mainstream media outlets simply cannot show the results of the recent liberation of Western Aleppo in Syria without first doing much editing and damage control work on the television screen. While Western outlets continue the tired line that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is “killing his own people” and that the poor democracy-loving “freedom fighters” armed, trained, and directed by the Western powers are nothing more than victims, scenes from Syria easily challenge any perceptions western audiences may have had regarding recent events there. In fact, any claims that the Syrian people are opposed to the government’s liberation of Syrian territory is completely rebuffed with the pictures currently coming out of Aleppo.



Hello Western media!


Why aren’t you showing us these beautiful scenes of Syrians jubilantly celebrating the full liberation of #Aleppo from the clutches of Al-Qaeda, marking an end to 8 years of relentless terrorist shelling of their homes, schools and hospitals?#Syria


— Sarah Abdallah (@sahouraxo) February 17, 2020


Syrian soldier meets his mother for first time since six years after the Syrian army liberated his village in Aleppo countryside


— Yusha Yuseef (@MIG29_) February 18, 2020


On February 16, Al-Masdar News reported the following regarding Aleppo:


The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has officially captured the last remaining areas under jihadist control in Aleppo city and its surrounding area, ending a nearly eight-year-long battle.


According to a field source in Aleppo, the Syrian Army’s victory came this afternoon following the capture of the Layramoun and Kafr Hamra sectors, which were under the control of the jihadist rebels for most of the war.


In addition to capturing Kafr Hamra and Layramoun, the Syrian Army also took control of the Al-Zahra’a Association Quarter, which was the main battlefield in Aleppo city for most of the war.


At the same time, the Syrian Army has also captured the last towns in the Anadan Plain, including Hraytan, Babis, and ‘Anadan.


The loss of these areas will be devastating for the jihadist rebels in western Aleppo, as they now find themselves with virtually no presence near the provincial capital.


Shortly after the liberation, President Assad gave a speech congratulating the Syrian people and the Syrian military on the victory and promising more victories to come as the Syrian government seeks to make good on its promise to “liberate every inch of Syria.”


He said:


When Aleppo city was liberated at the end of 2016, I said that what was before the liberation of Aleppo city will not be the same as what will be after that, and I based that on my knowledge of where the members of our Armed Forces are aiming with their hearts and minds. I based that on my conviction that the patriotism of the people of Aleppo and their fealty to their homeland and the homeland’s army will overturn the calculations of the enemies.


. . . . .


This is what happened, but Aleppo had to pay a great price equal to the greatness of its people and the patriotism of its position; years of violent and barbaric shelling that affected most neighborhoods, tens of thousands of martyrs, injured people, orphans, people who lost children, and widows. Years of siege without water or electricity or other life necessities, all for Aleppo to kneel and for her people to surrender.

Anonymous ID: ed6107 Feb. 24, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.8241198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1275 >>1391

'He's Dangerous!' Newly-Appointed Intel Chief Richard Grenell Bashed Trump in 2016, Supported Kasich


President Trump's new acting director of national intelligence, Richard Grenell, who the media has wrongly labeled a Trump "loyalist," supported John Kasich when it mattered most in 2016 according to newly unearthed deleted old tweets.


From Politico, "Trump's new intel chief was a Trump critic in 2016":


In 2016, before the New York real estate mogul became the GOP presidential nominee, Grenell called Trump "dangerous" and spoke out regularly in favor of then-Ohio Gov. John Kasich, according to deleted tweets recovered via a joint inquiry by POLITICO and the cybersecurity firm Nisos.


"He's dangerous!" read one deleted Grenell tweet from March 24, 2016, the day Trump tweeted that "NATO is obsolete and must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism as well as some of the things it is currently focused on!"


The tweets underscore a key irony of the Trump era: Some of the president's fiercest critics during the 2016 race have since transformed into his most passionate defenders, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who warned that Trump would be an "authoritarian president"; GOP Senator Lindsey Graham, who denounced Trump as "a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot" who would destroy the Republican Party; and acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, who called Trump a "terrible human being" right before the 2016 election.


Grenell seems to have undergone a similar evolution.


It's remarkable how Trump claims to value loyalty above all else and yet surrounds himself almost exclusively with people who didn't support him when it actually mattered.


It should be noted these "passionate defenders" only support him when he's doing the will of the establishment and their donors.


"Trump is dangerous. Wake up. He's reckless," he replied on another occasion to a user who had written "vote Trump." He urged his followers to read Trump's interview with The Washington Post editorial board, in which Trump said, "I think NATO as a concept is good, but it is not as good as it was when it first evolved … I'm not even knocking it, I'm just saying I don't think it's fair, we're not treated fair."


"NATO needs reforming. But Trump is questioning its usefulness," read another deleted Grenell tweet from March 24, 2016.


Grenell hated Trump for the things Trump was most right about (of course, Trump pivoted on NATO and sided with the establishment on the issue after getting into the White House).


Five days later, in another since-deleted tweet, Grenell wrote, "If you think Trump knows foreign policy issues then absolutely yes, you are stupid." Vox highlighted some of Grenell's criticisms in March 2017, when Trump was considering nominating Grenell to be U.S. ambassador to NATO. POLITICO and Nisos were able to recover more than 1,000 deleted tweets belonging to Grenell's account via analysis of open source information through a proprietary capability that extracted and screen-captured archived tweets via the Wayback Machine.

Anonymous ID: ed6107 Feb. 24, 2020, 10:07 p.m. No.8241266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How to Know If America Is Your Enemy


If your country is friendly toward Russia, China, or Iran, then today’s American Government is probably applying subversion, economic sanctions, or maybe even planning a coup, or (if none of those will succeed) probably is war-gaming now for a possible military invasion and permanent military occupation, of your country. These things have been done to Russia, Iran, China, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba, Ukraine, Georgia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and some other countries.


However, after the 9/11 attacks in America, the U.S. Government has added another system for selecting countries to immiserate, and those are mainly the countries that already suffer the most misery — some of them are countries that were listed above, but others (many others) are not, and are selected instead largely because they are already in misery, and also because America — that is, the Deep State which controls it, America’s hundreds of billionaires, who control international corporations and the press in America, and not just control the politicians who win public offices — wants to control the given target country in order to extract its natural resources or simply in order to place some of U.S. military bases there so as to be better able to invade other countries.


This relatively new category of America’s targeted enemies was invented, mainly, in 2003 and 2004, by Thomas P. M. Barnett, a Professor at the U.S. Naval College and columnist and writer for various popular magazines, as well as of best-selling books. His 2004 book The Pentagon’s New Map, presents that map, to show the areas, mainly around the Equator and including all of Central America; plus all of South America except Chile, Argentina, and Brazil; plus all of Africa except South Africa, all countries of which are supposedly not connected to globalization — i.e., they are Third World instead of First World — and he says that they are unstable and therefore need to be policed by the world’s policeman, which is the U.S. Government, to serve there as the judge, jury, and executioner, of anyone who lives there and who resists that judge, jury, and executioner. His key statement is on page 227, “A country’s potential to warrant a U.S. military response is inversely related to its globalization connectivity.” Here is the map, which shows which countries are supposedly high globalization connectivity and therefore inappropriate for America to sanction, coup, or invade and occupy; and which countries are supposedly low globalization connectivity and therefore appropriate for America to sanction, coup, or invade and occupy:

Anonymous ID: ed6107 Feb. 24, 2020, 10:10 p.m. No.8241289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is AIDS US $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund? Chpt 3: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Chapter one revealed the historical timeline, involving three former U.S. presidents, of the creation of the Global Fund and PEPFAR, in addition to the big players that put this into motion, along with numerous NGOs that jumped on board this gravy train. It also exposed two huge factors of how AIDS evolved. Chapter one is a must read before continuing. Chapter two disclosed the three factors in determining if this is a fraud and a slush fund, and dove deep into the Global Fund and the scandals that surround it.


In this chapter, we will explore the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation connections to this $90B taxpayer slush fund, show how money is moved around, Gates’ other charities and investments, huge conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry, health policymakers, universities, and some major scandals involved. By the end of this chapter, there will be no doubt as to who all controls the entire health industry worldwide.


“Gates has created a ‘cartel,’ with research leaders linked so closely that each has a vested interest to safeguard the work of others. The result is that obtaining an independent review of scientific evidence is becoming increasingly difficult.” – Dr. Artara Kochi, former head of the WHO’s malaria program.


Bill Gates friend and partner, Warren Buffett, who has endowed $30 billion in Berkshire Hathaway shares to the Gates Foundation, had this to say in 2011, regarding the extraordinary tax breaks they receive:


While most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks. Some of us are investment managers who earn billions from our daily labors but are allowed to classify our income as ‘carried interest,’ thereby getting a bargain 15 percent tax rate. Others own stock index futures for 10 minutes and have 60 percent of their gain taxed at 15 percent, as if they’d been long-term investors. These and other blessings are showered upon us by legislators in Washington who feel compelled to protect us, much as if we were spotted owls or some other endangered species. My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.


The amount of money that flows through the Gates Foundation from taxpayer dollars, is shocking. How it is disbursed between his multiple charities, on to friends with NGOs, and UN factions, is staggering. The documentation that the Gates Foundation pays for from universities, foundations, institutes, and George Soros, to bolster their agendas, is alarming. What is revealed in this 29-page report will stun you!

To continue reading this chapter and learn all about the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the AIDS slush fund, become a Patron & get FULL ACCESS to the entire book!


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