Anonymous ID: f962c8 Feb. 24, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.8241085   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1091 >>1096 >>1101 >>1106 >>1108 >>1117 >>1154

Fuck Q

>>8239046 pb

You want to tell us that Hussein ordered this shit and had it on his desk all in the same day?


How stupid do you think we are? This shit took YEARS of planning before publishing on January 2009!!! So stop fucking with us you jooish piece of noahide law shit!!!

The insurgency planned against the United States is by none other than America's "friend" ISRAEL!!! So Fuck Q!!! The Great awakening is woke and the Christians you plan to shoot and kill will get you FIRST!!!

Anonymous ID: f962c8 Feb. 24, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.8241179   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1211



>Just look, anon

>look at the people surrounding trump

>look at the generals

>look at the heads of state

>look at the senators

>open your eyes and see


Take your own advice anon. 99.99% of the people surrounding Trump are Jews. He is a Zionists and is public about it, it is no secret. 30 states have made antisemitism a crime. Are you fucking kidding me?

Anonymous ID: f962c8 Feb. 24, 2020, 10:06 p.m. No.8241255   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1270


>Think, Anonโ€ฆ


>clear your head and really think about this.


Do you really think that I don't think!? Do you think that I just came out of an egg shell and am spouting things I don't know? I have listened to your Rabbis that teach you people to HATE the Goy. 99.99% of you Jews believe what your Rabbis teach you, don't you? They teach you to HATE the Goy and enslave them. Your religion believes in slavery!!! You need to go back and learn the antiYahwahist religion that parades as Judaism. And ALL of you Jews follow your Rabbis like obedient little sheep.

Anonymous ID: f962c8 Feb. 24, 2020, 10:17 p.m. No.8241342   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1377

Why I HATE Joos

  1. My first experience with a Joo was a doctor who did an analysis on my learning disabled child. She referenced the race of my child in her report and stated that he was not academically inclined! I couldn't use the report.

  2. My friend had a Jooish girlfriend. He told her I was a Christian before I met her. The moment I met her she went off on me about how Joos didn't crucify Jesus. I was shocked and stunned as I had never met the bitch before nor told her anything about her or her people!

  3. My next experience with a Joo was a Messianic Joo. Sat next to him at a library and porn came up on his screen and he said he didn't know how it happened - I hadn't even noticed until he started jabbering about it. He invited me to his church, I told him I'd go if he comes to mine. He said ok. I went to his church. When I invited him to my church he said he had to ask his rabbi's permission. He never came.

  4. Another Joo did a second analysis on my child. The report said that my homeschooling my child is doing more damage to him than putting him in school. I couldn't use that report either.

  5. What I have learned since about them has caused me to despise them with a passion. They are liars and shit disturbers. They cry antisemitism when there is none. They cry racism when there is none. They cry holocaust when more have been killed by Communists than in the holocaust. They commit crimes against their own and blame it on the goy. That is despicable. Then on top of that, adding insult to injury, they killed Jesus Christ and put the blame on the Catholic!!! They have never taken responsibility for their own crimes. They truly are the Synagogue of Satan!!!