>I respect my husband
>30 posts
Dumb fucking faggot whore
>I respect my husband
>30 posts
Dumb fucking faggot whore
This is for all Femanons lurking/posting
We do not give a shit that you're a female.
Here? We're all anon.
You try and get extra attention by asserting your gender? And we will ostracize you.
You forfeit your right to be anon, to be Patriot, by asserting your gender to try and get privelages.
There are no girls on the Internet. This rule does not mean what you think it means.
In real life, people like you for being a girl. They want to fuck you, so they pay attention to you, and they pretend what you have to say is interesting, or that you are smart or clever. On the Internet, we don't have the chance to fuck you. This means the advantage of being a "Girl" does not exist. You don't get a bonus to conversation just because i'd like to put my cock in you.
When you make a post like
"I respect my husband"
you are begging for attention. The only reason to post it is because you want your girl-advantage back, and because you are too vapid and too stupid to do or say anything interesting without it. You are forgetting the rules, there are no girls on the Internet.
The one exception to this rule, the one way you can get your "girlness" back on the internet, is to post your tits.
This is, and should be, degrading for you, an admission that the ONLY interesting thing about you is your naked body.
You glow, newfag
Cant even english correctly lol
It is, he's just a newfag that likes trailer park boys
>wasted dubs
nah bro, I had 6 posts, you're trying to make it seem like I had 30 keep exaggerating newfag
Thanks for the yous, faggot
Now there's some digits
Trailer park boys is for poser faggots
If you've really been around since /b/ you'd know that tits or gtfo is an integral part of /cbts/ you glowshill faggot. We may have adopted it from you, but it's ours now.
>Lies, says I have 30 posts advocating tits or gtfo
>Actually had 6
>Then goes ahead and makes 9 posts flipping out about me flipping out about tits or gtfo
>reassures anons he is supreme oldfag topanon
>Gives excuse for getting caught "Just fuckin around, tired lol"
You glow more than my asshole after a colon flush with glowsticks nigger
>wastes dubs again
Can you kindly point me to your contribution?
Any single one would do.
Yes, Daniel, at least you're more entertaining than "Hello fellow kids" shill 1a0a78
o7 danfag
Notable, (24) post faggot makes (24) posts and utterly smacks down faggot
Bro, maybe you should take a break, all these contributions could lead to health complications. You're working far too hard.
Yes, I have 29 posts. I am a faggot. I suck kike dick for fun apparently. But you know what? 1a0a78 does, except he pretends to be cool while doing so. I already know i'm a faggot.
>Wastes dubs
>"Contributes" alot
>Steals memes
>Says "Am oldfag" to justify near 30 posts of useless drivel
>Says "Am oldfag" unironically like a newfag
>Makes fun of retards
>Disrespects chan culture IE: Tits or gtfo
>Believes board is free speech but shuts down any he doesn't like
>Dedicates near 30 posts to replying to someone he deemed not worth his time and a shill
Smells like a faggot, looks like a faggot, must be a fucking faggot
>Is he still yapping?
Unironically continues yapping about me after he filters me
(29) and counting
Nice contribution, Notable
Please filter any faggot jackass (Like me) who has over 20 posts. It only serves to fill the bread and tire your brain. It's easy to spot a faggot, we're annoying as fuck! We bicker, whine, and complain, and "contribute" alot!
If you want to see what a faggot looks like, click my ID, 130dd6 or click 1a0a78's ID. We are faggots. To filter us, simply
Click the little blue arrow pointing right, it will then point down. Click Add Filter, and then click Add ID
This will hide all of our useless "Contributions" for the entire thread! Unfortunately by next thread, we will have re-hidden ourselves, and it will be up to you to differentiate the difference, again!