those aren't even dub tits
Modern people think kings are politicians you don't elect.
Kings were in-touch with the divine. Jesus is a king. Aragorn's a king.
As long as the king is in touch with God, and ruled their people justly, the world would be way better off with kings than politicians.
The premise of your question is that she's just an old, unattractive lady. It goes way deeper than that. She literally practices black magic. She's a pedovore, meaning she eats children. She's engaged in the sickest shit imaginable.
If she was just an ugly, old lady, then yeah, I'd chew her bean for a mil. But the reality is is that she's done such sick, evil, satanic shit in her life, and that's something you can't wash out your mouf.
Notice how all the division shills that were arguing with themselves all disappeared at same time?
the very presence of shills just solidifies my belief in this Q thing