Anon here,
I just wanted to say that this anon is very clearly a bitter virgin.
That's all. Carry on.
Anon here,
I just wanted to say that this anon is very clearly a bitter virgin.
That's all. Carry on.
>tits or gtfo
I remember when we used to say this on /b/ in like 2008. It's supposed to be funny, not taken incredibly seriously like the bible at 2am on a Tuesday. Kek, you probably only learned about 'tits or gtfo' like last year, you poser.
You sound like an angry person due to lack of sex.
Yes yes, you've mentioned that.
>actually gets legitimately angry when tits aren't provided
>calls others newfag
Sides in orbit.
I can't believe how furious he is, nigger had like 30 posts in the lb screaming about tits XD
Nah bro, you were flipping out the entire bread. It's 2am central time, might start thinking about beddy bye before you pop a blood vessel.
I guess if you're new to this world, maybe. Half the people here have no chan experience before this and only just learned what dubs and the like were in the last year or two, but this shit's been around since the oldfag days of 4chan. Most of y'all are using a language you don't understand, yet act like you're the fucking kings of the universe because you scream "HAHA CHECK THEM OMG TITS OR GTFO HAHA."
To an actual oldfag, it just comes off as tryhards trying to fit in. I've been in this shit nigga, I don't need to prove shit to nobody.
You very clearly have actual autism. Ricky's been a meme before you knew how to use a computer, skippy.
So is taking 15yr old memes seriously, kiddo. But judging from your posts, you're clearly genuinely autistic so I can't really blame you.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone take it as seriously as you. You're downright cringe-level.
Killing time before I go to sleep, 6/10 troll job on my part. Hooked you in pretty good, mildly amusing. Not my best work, but ok.
I have to assume they have technology under wraps (by them I mean our government/military) that will somewhat equalize things economically across the globe when this is all over. International business will be less about where to find the cheapest labor and more about where to find the best products because automation will free up a lot of our time and creativity in general.
At least I hope so. It'd suck ass to bring down the [DS] and then STILL have to work shitty wagie jobs competing with the rest of the world for a measly paycheck for the rest of your life.
>getting this mad at 2 in the morning
I bump my work up to a 7/10 based on your reaction. Thanks, bud :)
I hope so, I really do. Imagine what kind of world this would be if we all were free to do whatever the fuck we wanted as long as we weren't hurting anyone?
>Bored chilling at your workshop/beach house on Texas coast
>fly spaceship over to friend's house in Zimbabwe
>catch up, make your way to Norway to see other friend
>afterwards, head over to Indonesia to see business partner about renovating co-owned Bali resort with new and improved construct-o-bots
>head back to Texas with plans to visit Mars tomorrow
Better than $15 an hour in a shitty apartment, that's for sure.
A million's not a lot of money these days, tbh.
ay muh dick nigga no 1 fukin askd u nigga muffuggin bix nood nigga
Kek, I'm the furthest thing from an optimist so it's probably best you don't know me. But I know enough (or can speculate to a realistic degree) about what they have behind the scenes to know that our future could end up being just as bright as some have implied.
Trump, Q and the rest HAVE to know that if they don't do away with the whole rotten system of greed and corruption that this will just happen again. And they seem pretty adamant on it NEVER happening again so let's hope they're right. And yes, the youth are PISSED. I'm fairly young still and everyone my age is miserable and looking square at the system to place blame. Left or right, we ALL know things are fucked, we just have different ideas on how to deal with it. Some (commies) more unrealistic than others.
What happens when you hear too much?
If that autismo came back to the bread, I'd start up again.
Unless you want to take his place, porch monkey.
>he still mad
You've contributed literally nothing for 2 breads straight now. Hush, back to lurking for you.
Pure evil. I hope the trials are public.
It's late night chat time, you can't even carry on a conversation without foaming at the mouth. Back to lurking.
Some have theorized that the Corona virus is a cover for eliminating a lot of specific people within a specific timeframe with no questions asked. Considering it's effects worldwide already (psychologically and economically) I could easily see that being the case.
>"Yup, another one dead from the ole' Corona."
>"B-but this one has a bullet in the-"
Damn, I really got to you earlier. I'm bumping my troll job up to a 9/10. Not even tooting my own horn, you've done all the work for me.
Because they're desperate.
Well, it's been fun dude. But you've played your part in my night. All actors need to learn when to take a bow. Good luck with your virginity, though. You're pretty insufferable so I doubt you'll lose it anytime soon. But never say never, eh?
>If you grab his attention he will communicate and go off script
I made that mistake once. Holy fuck, is he an unpleasant human being.
Is he still yapping? I called him a virgin at the beginning of this bread and he's been foaming at the mouth ever since. If he's not seriously autistic, he's a legitimate shill.
Sleep tight, Carlton.
>don't tell the autist I filtered him, he still hasn't figured it out ;3
Everyone, both left and right, is being conditioned to hate the establishment. We on the right and in Q world get our programming, but the leftists are getting similar programming designed for them as well. When the [DS] mask finally slips and the monster is revealed to the public, convincing both sides to put aside their differences and fight alongside each other will be a much easier task.
It's not gonna be "WE WIN TIME TO KILL THE LIBTARDS NOW HAHAHAHA" like some here think it's going to be. They're victims as much as we are, maybe even more so. They'll need understanding as finding out about everything we now take for common knowledge will be extremely hard at first. Many will probably be absolute emotional wrecks. I don't want to make it sound like we're superheroes (we're jerkoffs at our computers) but we're going to be absolutely essential as on the ground guidance for the public at large.
Brings a whole new dimension to the term 'keyboard warrior'. We're ready for the shitshow.
>The TRUTH would put 99 percent of people in hospital.
>That implies psychological
I can attest to this personally. I discovered maybe a bit more than I should have early last year. Already knew about Q and it isn't fully related, but what I learned essentially sent me into a state of psychosis that required medical treatment. I'm fine now, no symptoms since, but this whole story is MUCH bigger than most realize. Even most anons. Q emphasizes that "we cannot possibly imagine the size of this" and he's 100% right. I got a glimpse and it drove me temporarily crazy. I thought I would be fine with it and I wasn't.
We live in a very scary world, many people will suffer psychological breakdowns hearing just some of the basic info passed around here. And our mental health system nationwide is a fucking wreck, not sure what their plan is for all this but I hope they know what they're doing.
Semi-related, though pic related can be explained by DEWs. They're above us and around us at all times, even if we can't see them. Who "they" are is still unclear to me, but they are 100% real. Operate off the assumption that anything is possible, literally anything. Because that's the ultimate redpill.
This is what scares the shit out of me. I've traveled to destinations around the country that at the time didn't seem to make sense, only later to find that certain DUMB maps had them marked off as potential locations. Did I go there on my own free will? I'm not sure.
I still know surprisingly little, honestly. After travelling from one side of the country to the other chasing ghosts, I came away with more questions than answers. But the main takeaway I have is whatever is flying around in the skies is 100% real. Whether they're human or otherwise, just assume anything is possible at this point.
I've more or less had this confirmed. Not much I can do, I've learned to live with it. I'm nobody important (to my knowledge) so what they want with me I don't know. But the monitoring goes much deeper than just "google reads your emails." It's everywhere, in everything. Even us.