Anonymous ID: 588e84 Feb. 25, 2020, 2:09 a.m. No.8242401   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2423


nope. Truth would not send me to the hospital.

Seriously if Trump and the military said we had an alliance with mars for the last 50 years, I wouldn't bat an eye. If Potus and the patriots all had a mass meeting to the public and disclosed our government was run by a bunch of satanist who installed jewish andf islamic baby rapers who hate the country, I would not bat an eye.


If I was told I was a software program living in some computer of a higher level designer, I would be very disappointed, and I would want to see the menu of character features, but this life sucks. But it would not put me in a hospital. It would make me realize I am not real.

Anonymous ID: 588e84 Feb. 25, 2020, 3:04 a.m. No.8242584   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



(They should not have been getting medicaid in the first place, let alone food stamps)


PHOENIX (AP) โ€” Pastor Antonio Velasquez says that before the Trump administration announced a crackdown on immigrants using government social services, people lined up before sunrise outside a state office in a largely Latino Phoenix neighborhood to sign up for food stamps and Medicaid.


No more.


โ€œYou had to arrive at 3 in the morning, and it might take you until the end of the day,โ€ he said, pointing behind the office in the Maryvale neighborhood to show how long the lines got.


But no one lined up one recent weekday morning, and there were just a handful of people inside.


With new rules taking effect Monday that disqualify more people from green cards if they use government benefits, droves of immigrants, including citizens and legal residents, have dropped social services they or their children may be entitled to out of fear they will be kicked out of the U.S., said Velazquez and other advocates.


Warning: this is a "muh poor immigrants" article.


Winning winning winning!


A 5-4 vote Friday by the high court sided with the Trump administration by lifting a last injunction covering just Illinois. Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued a blistering dissent, criticizing the administration for quickly turning to the Supreme Court after facing losses in lower courts.


The White House over the weekend expressed gratitude for that final vote, saying it would help โ€œsafeguard welfare programs for truly needy Americans, reduce the federal deficit, and re-establish the fundamental legal principle that newcomers to our society should be financially self-reliant and not dependent on the largess of United States taxpayers.โ€