Speculating on a time line
On March 16th, 2016, Wikileaks published 30k of Hillary's emails. In June, July, and November they published the DNC emails provided by Seth Rich. We're about 8 months away from this year's election, which takes place five days sooner.
If there are going to be any large drops, they'll probably have to start coming out soon so the public will have time to disseminate them. It won't do them any good to declass a huge trove of documents the night before the election–it will take time for the implications to marinate throughout the public.
I'm thinking, if Bernie becomes the nominee, we won't be hearing about Seth Rich until some time after the election–wouldn't want to make Sanders become some kind of sympathetic hero. On the other hand, if the DNC fucks him, I'd expect to hear about Seth Rich quite soon afterward.
We'll probably be getting more on the BS dossier fairly soon…but I seriously doubt Q and POTUS think that these IG reports are going to get the electorate fired up like those email leaks back in 2016. I really couldn't think of anything less exciting than finding discrepancies between a footnote on page 397 and a letter sent to Senator ABC on some date, some year. POTUS doesn't run accounting firms, he runs flashy buildings and casinos–we'll be getting a show, that much I guarantee you. On the other hand, he might keep some in the tank, as the economy is going to get a lot of people out already.
Besides that, I'm not sure what gifts might lie in wait–there are so many investigations that Q has alluded to, it could be anything; tarmac meeting, Haiti, Clinton Foundation, Ukraine corruption, Pelosi and Schumer investigations, and on and on and on.
For anyone discouraged, don't be. Most of us that have been here awhile are used to things not exactly panning out; if you haven't noticed, Q's posts aren't exactly in chronological order–a lot of them are placed today to be referenced back to tomorrow ("future proves past"). But simple logic dictates that this one will come true:
>It's going to be a very hot [spring/summer].