fwiw, I'm serious here.
I've been playing this game lately.
It's a game about war, pre-war, after 2 world wars, about to start the inevitable 3rd world war (which is supposedly way worse than the other 2)
The game is depressing af in terms of story.
Couple times while playing, I wasn't doing so great (losing)
I was thinking about real life-
What would I do in this situation? How can I get past this difficult part?
I was thinking: irl I would retreat from battle, try to find more warriors, and attempt to re-engage at a later time when strategy/tactics were more mentally clear.
It got me thinking more about real life,
CoVid and such
I really hope if I find any of you out there(like in the vid-jah games)
you're not starving or suffering because you didn't take your early warnings seriously
It'd be much more powerful to meet up on equal terms where both parties had supplies etc
Go shopping. Don't fall behind on your training. Stay alert. Stay focused, and for the love of god, stay educated.
I know, I know. Too much video games.
But the lesson is valuable if you're 'not playing'.
knock on wood