Report released on vanadium resources contained in the asphaltite deposits of Central Peru
During the first three decades of the 1900s, one asphaltite deposit in Central Peru, Minas Ragra, produced 52% of the world's vanadium.
South-Eastern region of Turkey has a relatively large asphaltite potential
[1–7]. According to the World Energy Council, Turkish National Committee
(1998), the total reserve of the asphaltic substances that are found in southeastern Turkey is about 82 million tonnes, with Silopi and Sirnak reserves
together comprising the major part of the asphaltite deposits.
Silopi and Şırnak are in Kurdish areas near Iraq/Syria border.
Asphaltite Vanadium Occurrence near Dunphy, Nevada
The Asphaltite Vanadium Occurrence is near Dunphy, Nevada. Historically the site has been part of the Maggie Creek Mining District. Ore mineralization has been found at this location, however the precise grade, tonnage, and extent of the mineralization are not known. There has been no production and little to no activity other than routine claim maintenance since the mineral discovery. The Great Basin of the Intermontane Plateaus characterize the geomorphology of the surrounding area.
There is now evidence that Vanadium is a catalyst, that binds with Iron molecules to make a molecular machine which converts Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen into petroleum in the earth's crust. And even biological molecules like the Enzyme Vanadium Nitrogenase can be exploited to do the same, for instance in the Lunar mining colonies. Oxygen is a waste product of the process.
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