Anonymous ID: a79313 Feb. 25, 2020, 12:48 a.m. No.8242143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2160 >>2434 >>2477 >>2480 >>2569

Q asked, “What Country was the true intended target? (Of the insurgency).




Clintons were involved in running drugs since Arkansas. President GHW Bush signed NAFTA in 1994. Sold out American jobs, enriching himself and his business and political cronies. President George W. Bush had 9/11, CIA agents assasinated in Mexico and his own Gunwalking- Operation Wide Receiver followed by Fast and Furious from 2009-11 by Obama. This was at the same time that the Swine flu pandemic declared by W.H.O. originated in Mexico and moved into California.


Obama’s plan was a continuation of a plan to soften US borders, arm the cartels in Mexico and gangs in 10 American cities (“to catch them”) with over 2000 high powered weapons. This facilitated human trafficking, vast drug profits, funneling money to political cronies, fake NGO’s (think Clinton Foundation) and allow 20M+ illegal immigrants to burden taxpayers, take jobs and vote illegally to keep the guilty in control. The cartels have taken over Mexico; but with Trump’s help and vice-versa that tide is turning.


The soft Southern border allowed Illegal Middle Eastern immigrants to infiltrate the USA. Obama installed Muslims throughout high level positions in his Administration. The goal being to destroy our way of life and governance.