I do wonder how long it will take Huber and his staff to go through the thousands of servers at the NSA server farm in Utah? Every cellphone call, most landline calls since cells became ubiquitous, every single text and every single email since - speculating a bit here but it could be as far back as the late 80's…(I began playing with computers with Windows 3.1 in the early 90's and I can't imagine that American intelligence operatives weren't active in the late 80's)…is stored at the NSA server farm…and this is just part of what it means to "have it all."
shrillary's 33,000 emails? The Good Guys already have them and have had for some time. One of the reasons it is so entertaining and so much fun to watch, listen to and read POTUS's comments and demands for the emails.
Contacts between certain demonrat congress people and one or two Middle Eastern terrorists who were subsequently removed from the chess board are all there.
POTUS knows, the Q Team knows…and we know because that is part of what it means to "have it all" and Q has informed us many times that the Good Guys "have it all" and meditating on that does soothe the angst of waiting.
All of the information off of weiner's laptop (btw, anybody heard anything from huma lately?) and all the files being stored there by huma…are in the possession of and are and have been examined for the last two years…part - again - of "have it all."
obomber's contacts with certain banks and the arrangements for the movement of large amounts of money from America to Iran to one bank to another to launder it, return it to American banks or to other banks and then the distribution of various amounts to the bank accounts of "whomever"…"have it all" including and most importantly the "whomevers."
Remember when obomber and shrillary were contesting the nomination and a performance was put on? The globalist propaganda media meat puppets were camped out at both shrillary's place and obomber's place because it was 'leaked' that they were going to have a meeting to discuss one of them dropping out…but none of the meat puppets could find either one. Why you ask? They were in Virginia meeting with bilderbergs who gave them their marching orders: obomber was going to be the president then and shrillary could be president when the kenyan was finished. That's why shrillary went crazy. She was expecting a coronation, not a contest. Well, all those communications: the notification of their bosses to appear at the meeting in Virginia and the various conversations after and during by people too clueless to realize the power of the little devices they were trying to play with…part of "have it all." Who was at the meeting? Got that too.
This is perhaps just rambling but when one sits back and thinks about "have it all" and what that must encompass to be of any meaning and effect it makes me really, really glad that I'm not a corrupt demonrat politician nor a corrupt rino because when one has all the communications and the banking and the 'strings' that are being used to work all the puppets - meat and otherwise - and also the 'hand/hands' working the strings, one can't help but enter 'this' rabbit hole and fortunately, this rabbit hole is more positive from the point of view of what all this knowledge of outright criminal/evil activity means as far as punishment is concerned…except for those that will likely be arkancided first or who actually do, on their own slimy, cowardly initiative save the nation the expense.
Actually kind of makes me think of the old tale of China in the last century when execution for gutter trash like child rapists and murderers was a bullet in the back of the head…with the cost of the execution being levied against the family of the gutter trash if they still had any, under the belief that a society so injured by such gutter trash should not then be held accountable for anything to do with the gutter trash including the cost of their earned execution.
"Have it all" should be - if it isn't already for some - in their nightmares if they have the intellectual capacity to see it. It means they are truly "dead men (and women) walking" and the shock on the faces of those who are still blithely unaware is going to be priceless at the second they are looking into the eyes of the person who just appeared at their door and their bowels loosen and for some…just a tiny bit of wee might trickle out uncontrollably.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 17 Feb 2020 - 7:29:50 PM
To be blunt….