You're programmed.
>Anons arguing about Adam and Eve and chromosomes.
Nevermind Lilith, or the first Eden.
The one on Mars.
>attacks with verbiage that is not a bot or AI related adjective
Thanks for the confirm. The programmers in your unit suck.
I already responded to you; The answer is still the same. Fuck off swiftly, time is of the essence!
just the idea that you've accosted me three times on this makes me know you have an agenda.
Kindly fuck your face with a rusty rake :)
hahahah your bots are broken and Patriots are fucking your glorious paymasters hahahaha fuck you :D
hospital is mentioned twice, both times in context of the truth.
You seem very angeryโฆ Perhaps some warm milk would be good for you?
Since whatever namefaggot you're fixating on doesn't interest me, you can be the one to fuck off ;D
<finally pops
>I took no oath of loyalty to that man.
>My loyalty is to God, family, Country of which >he does not represent in my opinion.
Thanks for the ~~self-contradiction~~ confirm. DJT is still POTUS ;)
And this anon will vote for him again in November. Good day.
>What happens when you try to get rid of anons with wars of attrition? You get the best anons!
>I didnโt.
that sounds like your problem.
>Sounds like you are invested.
>Iโm not.
No, you sound like someone who invested and lost.
Bye bye traitor.