Guise is this /pol/
Namasty niggas
We are going to makey bootiful H1b’s togetha Doland Trump.
Und wee are so very happy to help you fuck all your STEM stooden in our wunderful relazunship.
India is just the new globalist china faggot.
A sacred cash cow… as it were.
The China thing got played out. Time to import cheap shit and intensify cheap labor, plane crashing, wage stagnating, boomer shekel porn from India now.
Drain it baby yeah!
>so, you definitely don't think Trump is a good businessman
Welp, tis a conundrum, and an interesting question. I guess the locus of the argument would be based on one’s motives and definition of a “good business man” is.
For example:
I define good business as enriching my cronies and making profits for my stock holders as my number one priority.
If this is the qualifier then yes he is. I would also include Pablo Escobar in this bracket.
As the President of the United States I will be a good business man and make decisions which will benefit the American people by percentage and need, rather than toungue the anus of the already wealthy faggot boomer corporate and political elite.
By this perspective, one of which I am hardly alone….
Then no.
>At least I hope so. It'd suck ass to bring down the [DS] and then STILL have to work shitty wagie jobs competing with the rest of the world for a measly paycheck for the rest of your life.
Boy I wish I could haz someone like you as a fren irl. That kind of optimism can have a contagious affect on a pessimistic person like muhself.
That’s a lot of if’s and maybe’s.
I don’t worry about myself much, but I do worry about a system of greed, avarice and indifference which is unlikely to change out of the goodness of kind hearts that put others welfare before their own.
Here on the ground level, it is easy to see several generations of youth are fed up. They will institute socialism in this country eventually. They are fuggin pissed.
I think man plans and God Laughs.
But I like your style. Hope is always more beautiful than despair. May you Hope and endure in the Truth.
I will be the grouchy one in the back mumbling.
Their is another bloodline. One of Righteousness too. There is always balance.
Anyone notice the book of Acts cuts off interestingly . Far from it’s formal opening.
Some say there are missing chapter(s) which tell the tale of Paul’s journey to Spain and on up from there possibly. Seems to me the Apostle John took a certain family and maybe the families of the Apostles to a place prepared for them in the Wilderness.
Outside of the Roman Empire.
The dragon couldn’t reach them there.
Who was the Elect Lady? Was John Pleased her children were following God and Yeshua’s teachings.
It was so easy for letters to get intercepted by hostile eyes.
So many secrets in some of those letters and in Revelation.
<Muh Kate
Man fuck you. That chick was trippin.
That screencap has a purpose. Don’t know why you faggots are still talking about that attention whore honey trap.
If this is you Kate…. KYS
White Knight Faggot equally KYS.
>learning about the (you) tell
Whatever.. is right. Tits or GTFO
so much
The only tell is this. That gril was actively running psyops on 8 after she fucked the other dude off. She tagged me. I capped it with Hi Kate and posted it.
another anon agreed and tagged me.
I screencapped it.
Here is the original. Look at the file name.
Go look at that bread faggot and follow UID’s.
Report back and fuck off.
No you are obviously in possession of a gash between your legs making, like many of your species, an inherent inability to admit you were wrong.
Now you are deflecting and feigning boredom or indifference.
Called me out on muh (you) tell and I rekt your shit. Go vomit your estrogen on someone else or post tits at least.
Traitor is such a strong word.
I took no oath of loyalty to that man.
My loyalty is to God, family, Country of which he does not represent in my opinion.
For someone like him and his ilk, who demands everything and gives nothing, and turns on his friends like he changes his boxers. Traitor is laughable.
My years of fealty and blind faith far outweighed any personal benefit I received.
Miss me with your traitor shit.
Or come collect on it.
You voted..
I didn’t.
Sounds like you are invested.
I’m not. I did go along with supporting my president without an oath. Spent hundreds of hours here/there. Lmao
I never had any illusions of anonymity.
Which then brings us to the paradox.
Potus crossed the line or his goons did first.
He knows it.
I’m not going to get into it. He will go on about his life just fine. No big loss.
But I know he reads this shit.
Kings are subject to prophets and priests.
All are anointed to do what they are appointed to do.
The prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
God is watching, and I’m not talking about cute liddle surveillance state puder tricks and skillz.
He has my back.
If Potus feels the same then let him go with his bad self.
And as for all of you. Choose today whom you will serve.
And be at peace with your choices.
I am with mine.