Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 27, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.8591776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300 >>2249

Man-splain 'n it so sisters can is 'n r comprehending.[Tard-Vile]

Present-Continuous… .. . .[]


>🔴 Covid19: Martial Law, Civil War, WW3? Kevin Galalae, Covert Depopulation Expert


Remember that.

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 27, 2020, 5:37 p.m. No.8592249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300 >>2509 >>9331



Yo, Vinny Eastwood, Interview this hoe:


>Quantum Internet✨


[or are your thoughts [kNot] good-enough for Public Consumption]?


Side-Note: Saudi-Sophia-Hann waz try'n to gift yo-sum "No-Face'-Gold$" at 01:46:30


made moi spit muh cannabis-beer:DANG!


You Funny, Vinny. When we can "travel" again = get your carnist arse out to muh farm and meet sum cows; and we'll have a little chat 'bout "What is Next"… with hemp-tea :-)


side-by-side:No-Face (カオナシ Kaonashi, lit. "Faceless") is a spirit and a secondary antagonist in the Japanese animated film Spirited Away. He is shown to be capable of reacting to emotions and ingesting other individuals in order to gain their personality and physical traits.

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 27, 2020, 6:01 p.m. No.8592509   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Like, wtf?


Alexandra Hunter​she's gaslighting this guy

Philippines Fun With JLB & Friends​they just keep cutting each others communication, more deception

Rica The Hopeful Voluntarist

​boombers away

Matthew Audet​Why are these Christians so shallow?

Troy McCully​live honest truthful sincere and genuine

Philippines Fun With JLB & Friends​these guys have got a ticket in the New Jerusaluem NWO

Dean James​she's going to play the harp…..

Sy Sharp​the eyes 😄

Spiraling69​well I have something to say…. its better to burn out than fade away!

Rupert Fellows​Watch demons unfurl their plans

Troy McCully​get in there Vinny

Philippines Fun With JLB & Friends​aIRY FAIRY NONSENSE

J S Hansen


Troy McCully​so they say🤔

J S Hansen


Alexandra Hunter​this is not an apocalypse, it's an opportunity to reflect and awaken

J S Hansen

​I'm lost ..

Micky​can she play BAT Out Of Hell

Sy Sharp​great singer

Matthew Audet​It's OK to be emotional it's more important to accept others behavior completely if you don't you suffer everytime…. Emotion energy in motion….

spannishchicken​he gone wikileaks ,lol

Philippines Fun With JLB & Friends​WW3 started against mankind and these dribblers leading you astray lol

Rupert Fellows​Has Vinny been thrown out?

Dean James​see spaninish her guests dork

Troy McCully​I have many skeptical objections to what I have heard, discernment is so important

Philippines Fun With JLB & Friends​These guys are shills

J S Hansen


Troy McCully​ubetcha eh👍


Matthew Audet​Everyone is our Kindred Spirit when have more in common and are connected to each other.

Troy McCully​let them.go Vinny

Philippines Fun With JLB & Friends​Worst truther show i have ever seen, sad

Siege Vicious​Yes invite your jewish kindred 😀 hahahha

J S Hansen

​Vinny please keep the livestream going all day…chur

Rupert Fellows​The earth is pear shaped

Matthew Audet​Well done Vinny mate on a different wavelength ❤

Micky​Hmmmm bye

Sy Sharp​the is out

Sy Sharp​harp

Dean James​damn

Troy McCully​peace out Vinny👍

spannishchicken​vinny s platform ,lol

Sprung Spar​beautifull music, thankyou Kate ,

Rupert Fellows​Harpies

Patrick Lynn​NO Not the HARP!!!

J S Hansen

​off for koffee and smoke ..brb

Sy Sharp​vinny needs join in

Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our Community Guidelines.

KNT​Harp lady is like shut up now

KNT​I gotta play

Rica The Hopeful Voluntarist


Siege Vicious​Regan BAUMANN aha got it 😀

Matthew Audet​Bring on the Drums to gentle for us powerful mob.

Spiraling69​ask her to play Luftwaffe Aloft

Dean James​she's been wanting to do it all show…

KNT​C ya Vinny

Rupert Fellows​Hey u get off my cloud!

GRAY DUDE​👽 …. .. Rica

Black_DoG​good stuff

Rica The Hopeful Voluntarist

​Heya Gray Dude!! 👽

Rupert Fellows​Vinny is in the naughty corner

Matthew Audet​Death Cult

spannishchicken​we gotta be toothpate guys

Siege Vicious​Ask her if she changed her name?

re m​[message retracted]

Rica The Hopeful Voluntarist

​are we hearing super secret convo now?

Matthew Audet​Dreaming awake Compassion for others asleep awake.

Sy Sharp​love the background sound

Rica The Hopeful Voluntarist

​oh nevermind haha

ecd14u​new age man

Dean James​nice voice but a pain in the arse

Spiraling69​thats all?

eye's up​good album name

re m​[message retracted]

Spiraling69​wtf - was hoping for a full show

Matthew Audet​No Grunt where the Throttle…

Say something…


All messages that you send will appear publicly


>🔴 BACKSTORY with Kate Magdalena, Octaman and Vinny Eastwood on American Freedom Radio!

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 28, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.8603266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300



>Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy?




Peace officers are different from Polic-y officers (privateers, pirates enforcing policy). "I was just doing my job" will not fly when it comes down to judgment time. You are known by your deeds and actions. Stop signing papers from corporate counsel attorneys before you read them. They're videotaping you now, when you sign these false police reports, by prosecuting attorney/"judges", you are already the fall guy.


Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Russia, China, Korea etc.,

you're all under Congress too!

Anyone who has ever studied the bait and switch scenario in the advertising world will recognize this act for just that. So, why would this be important for you to you know if you don't live "in the United States" (which is NOT a land mass, it is a stile, chain of events, Congressional ACTS) as one might say? Remember, Congress was given world dominion under the Atlantic Charter in 1941 - the NWO IS HERE, NOW.

So, your "country" (Canada, Australia, NZ, Russia, etc), which are registered to do business on the American exchange is now "commissioned" through Congress and you are also now subject matter for offsetting Congressional debt. It's all banking, and you're a special deposit! See the agreements the USofA has with each "country" - they are the same entity - THEM vs. US.

All the world's a stage and we see every day the big media shows for the sheeple (they call us that, that's why we use the word) that present Russia and USofA as DIFFERENT governments, but they are not, they are the same corporation! It's just presented to you that way to garner consent and so you keep funding it. If they get you to buy into it, they've got your mind (and dollars); they do this with instilling fear of going to war, fear of sanctions, fear of economic woes, patriotism, on and on...

This shouldn't be surprising when you remember the meaning of the word congress: "with transgression". Many of these things are overtly in our faces but we have never been taught how to see them.

One could see the world stage like a game of Risk or a big mall with different "stores" and there is the Russian "store" of Congress, the Canada arm or "store" of Congress, the Australian arm, the UN arm...ALL of Congress (the King, this is just veiled in modern times). The FBI (the enforcement arm), CIA (the production arm, media hoaxes, etc), NSA (the spying arm), IRS (the dollar collecting arm), Obama (the microphone), Putin (the "bad cop"), etc, etc; all subdivisions of the same controls all UNTIL you stand. Then the sword of your wrath will be made known. Where have you heard that? Revelation. Breaking the seals refers to these realizations, one by one, in you, that this is being done to mankind. Who else is going to do it? Do you think "Jesus" is going to come via a bearded dude flying in from the sky? Or do you think that force will come through each of us waking up and banishing psychopathy from the world to facilitate the New Jerusalem?

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 29, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.8614687   🗄️.is 🔗kun




What about the 5G [zones] vs. death[s]?


Why are people slumping in Wuhan and Italy?


USA deaths are in a grid-formation:


Define dustify[]




>Relevant für Anons die Kontakt zu Klinikpersonal haben, in NYC ist es wohl dasselbe Spiel


There's sum deep-shite go'n down: [What colour hanky are merde-eaters again?]

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 29, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.8615194   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Something had to give:




The lighter side of [religare] in tard-vile.


All the Kings' Man Trump: vs. liars and obfuscators and pedovores. (and it's not "illegal" to watch) [sick mofo's]


anyhoo: Trump is a carnist hunting pedovores. That's good enough for transition with ortegrity. The tards were not going to change their wilfully ignorant ways - just as kakistocracy likes it.


Sump-tnuc[s] have to Give[back what they stole]

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 29, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.8617540   🗄️.is 🔗kun




IF they are lying: WHO indoctrinated them.


If TRUE, what are YOU doing about it?


Know yOUR Enemy Kiwis: Like you know your last meal...







Lies and obfuscation:Mirror-Stream-Media.

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 30, 2020, 1:15 p.m. No.8626314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300 >>3954 >>4856



>when I think about the filter I know that I won't deserve to pass.


Hehe: Tell us about da Filter; Dare we mention "What-Is-Next" is kNow Present-Continuous<:>[] [especially for parasites]?:


Hoe-tards need to filter their gut, heart and mind: Cannibals [Cain 'n Ables] need to cease and desist with the Hegelian opo-same WAR! The no-care Wilfully Ignorant Pedovore Enabling vegan CAINS vs. the no-care Wilfully Ignorant Pedovore Enabling carnist ABLES: Solipsistic hoe-tards and often misanthropic eugenicists to boot!


And least we forget the religare, "it's all okay - except: …Butt Bacon!" [REEEEEEEEE!]


Q: Why is Man and Orangutan anatomically similar?


Q+: Define Live, Symbiotic Frugivore.






Your Redemption is the Ticket to ride. :-) [no-pedo]


>Lessons from the Coronavirus Pandemonium to Prevent Future Global Pandemics

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 30, 2020, 7 p.m. No.8630253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300

Look'n in da right place for Wong' reason:


Jump to 00:30:00 "SRA... forcing the victim ...eating human faces ..." [spelt-right?]


>Satanism, Savile And Battling Darkness: Wilfred Wong | True Crime Podcast 89


'cause:[Maybe:may-be] coc-taser? (i mean teaser!)






>basically here's what he "promised"

>1. between now and good friday (4/10/20 DJT) there will be a 3 day shutdown of the internet

>2. in that period there will be an 8 hour program on tv airing 3 times a day exposing the occult/satanism and everyone involved in it, telling you whats really going on.


  • go put muh seeds in the dirt.

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 31, 2020, 2:02 p.m. No.8638725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300 >>9360




>I understand only part of what you're saying but it's enough to point me in the right direction.


Haha! Dan Winter says something similar about alcohol. I comprehend. Perhaps you'll like this?; (Stuart Hameroff writting to Roger Penrose), "I think you are missing something. You don't know about microtubules, do you?" 00:44:00


>Roger Penrose: Physics of Consciousness and the Infinite Universe | AI Podcast #85 with Lex Fridman


to witch-sophia-hann-lousie-cypher I state: Harming sentient, conscious Teslaphoresis is Trespass and Treason. ]Emanating-Sonoluminescence[ Remember that.


>Teslaphoresis of Carbon Nanotubes


And for the hoe-tards: Comprehend WHAT you are; Emanating…


>Cavitation And the Theory of Life by Mark LeClaire of Nanospire Inc


or [kNot] - Butt just know Louise Cypher is the dead [liveD] look'n for a dwelling[s]. And the no-care, misanthropic anti-live tards fit its agenda [disgustingly].


Perhaps hoe-tards need to have sum care for the dead in and around their Dwelling, aye?


anyhoo, either way: Popcorn ready. Tell Lie Vision Tri-version gonn'a be… [nec-level]

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 31, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.8639360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300 >>3737



a muh fibrillating EartH fibrils 'n eye 'n i-ballz :-[don't-tOuch]) muh Mana is my Exclusion-Zone-Water!


The logic of, "She's either pregnant or she is not pregnant" is same-same as Schrödinger's cat: It's either dead or alive.


There is no-in-between. Zero.


fibrils make the void. ex post facto.


>Self-organized patterning and morphogenesis in embryonic epithelia from antagonistic signals and fiber networks

Anonymous ID: 44c1b8 March 31, 2020, 4:29 p.m. No.8640921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3737



How's your breath work?


Here's sum:


Kiwis: Recall Breath-eathe


Holotropic, Phi and the Wim; you can do this<:>*

Begin at 00:16:14


>Wim Hof's Corona Survival Guide! | Russell Brand


And get high on your own supply ;-)


I bet Hillary could have climbed Mount Kilimanjaro - in shorts only. (without a Sherpa)


Papi Lion: I think my life just changed watching this.

Maria Silver: Mine to. Did you try the 75 second breath hold with them? I can't believe I just did it. I have terrible lungs. I'm in shock!!

Barnacle Felcher:@Maria Silver Ditto, I'm going to walk to this new beat. I'd follow him up a mountain, because I know he would get me there.


back to "work"