https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btxz9fdtwVs :
Joseph Gregory Hallett talks to interviewerof Digital Warrior Productions (Pro Q) about The BREXIT Document (European Union Withdrawal Document Act 2020) about Queen renouncing her powers, giving them to Parliament, she's not been Queen since 1973, UK belongs to EU, stripped of Sovereignty, gives EU power over all UK aspects and parliament. He reckons that MP's were compromised/blackmailed in order to sign this 'really bad' document because it makes the UK controlled by Brussells/EU.
Brexit Withdrawal Act 2020 here : https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2020/1/part/1/enacted
People have the power to contest it until December 17th 2020, then it cannot be contest, but must be contested by all people of UK. It removes common law and rights of the living man, not the strawman on paper.