Anonymous ID: 66056b May 1, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.8985543   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Yep - that's a lead balloon for Harry' pool party.


Q: Is Forced Tax for "collateral damage" murder[s] the same as raising $ for assassination[s]?


Either way: It is anti-live wrong thinking, emoting and actions.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 1, 2020, 2:31 p.m. No.8992216   🗄️.is 🔗kun

pedovores on parade<:>bulls on parade


arm the harm LESS<:>[or kNot]


How are the Good people of Tibet? How are the Falun Gong and Uighur Muslims' organs?


Q: Why do governments pass and enforce anti-live laws on [govern-mentis-pedovores]?


[rhetorical]<:>[where is my vote]?


Q+: Would (You) [do you] acquiesce for murderers, rapists and pedovores?


QBonus: Why do LivE slough dross?


>Rage Against the Machine - Bulls on Parade Free Tibet Concert 1996

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 1, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.8992705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

and all yah religare meat-hoes can stick ya, "It's going to be biblical" down your parasitic-pie-hole[s]. Yore "justification" for anti-live actions is worse than an honest carnist that [psychotically] states: "Butt Muh' BACON!"




This is Cosmic<:>Flow


Ride Good or die. [logically]


6 defines wHere: 7th is direction.


Q: Can you Navigate?





>…"welcome to a coherent magnetic field that must include a central current sheet. And hitting that sheet…"

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 1, 2020, 4:36 p.m. No.8993327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>3456 >>2185



>Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis


Kiwis need to keep their eyes on the Prize:Life


“The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997. A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found the bone marrow was suffering (which produces the immune system), respiration damaged, enzyme activity damaged, nuclear dna damaged, and the total exposure time was only 15 hours over 60 days. Roughly 15 minutes a day and the levels were not high. Not as high as you are going to get in a classroom.” ….

~Dr Barrie Trower


'n moar, Verily much_moar:


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Anonymous ID: 66056b May 2, 2020, 3:42 p.m. No.9004414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>4729

better than a kick-in-the-head:


WHO, CDC & Gates Foundation Defunded Because of Vaccine Fraud

April 24, 2020 ~ C-VINE Vetted for Accuracy

Marc Anthony Boyer

BREAKING NEWS – Government Funding Pulled from Gates Foundation, WHO and CDC (Center for Disease Control).


(U.S. Government lost LANDMARK VACCINE LAWSUIT in 2018.)


Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed vaccine documentary, ‘VAXXED’ and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 2, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.9004729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



“What’s The Frequency, Kenneth?”


For the hoe-tards: When "You said that irony was the shackles of youth", there are some things you can't regurgitate. [namely, sentience slaughtered for taste pleasure]<:>[alone]


Respect for jean-claude Perez and his Great Work: Creating (Fractal!) Foundational Pattern that Matters. Pattern that any live, sentient being can sense…..(5)….(9)


[or Knot]






[Kenneth missed frequently :- as anti-live media is want to do]

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 2, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.9005654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>5962

>Epstein Victim's Story Buried By Media & FBI — The Political Vigilante


17 minutes in… [When carnists Project:] and make [serious] accusations…


>" …any q anon people listening: fucking Trump is evil shut the fuck up that he's

some kind of secret a hidden hero he's a fucking pedophile rapist just like the

fucking Clintons and and go fuck yourself on Joe Biden.

sorry that's my little commentary on that.

so pull your head out of your fucking Q ing ass. Trump is a goddamn

pedophile who's covering this shit up just like the Clintons have done they're

all pieces of shit the ruling class is our vile pieces of shit and I don't

advocate for any violence of any kind but if I had a bunch of diseased rats in

my home I wouldn't feel bad about having them exterminated. …"




Yeah GOD[s]! i 'n i BE like… Ummm (from Umm-Bridge) : Trump is a carnist hunting pedovores.


It's as-good-as-it-gets in carnist-vile.


What did Q say again? "The Truth [would] put most people in hospital" or sump-tang like that.


'cause i say: It is carnists' [parasites]' fault: And it IS THEIR FAULT. (in muh opinion) [Reeeeeeeee(9x!)]


Ricky Gervais will present [IT] moar palatably - i'm sure :-)


>Epstein Victim's Story Buried By Media & FBI — The Political Vigilante


Butt wait there: There's moar accusations! (can carnists discern Truth?) and do they care enough for Remedy?



>"… Maria farmer and when she told the FBI

in 1996 she said the Clintons are part

of this she also said Donald Trump is

part of it and she's one of the reasons

she said that is because Ivana Trump she

said was with ghilane Maxwell when they

when she would go out to recruit girls

for Epstein it was her and Ivana Trump

Trump's ex-wife they would go out

together all the time and pick up these

twelve-year-old girls as girls and

school uniforms and braces exchanged

information with them and the next day

they'd be in Epstein's office and she

saw between five and ten girls different

girls every day go into Epstein's office

the whole year like you know two years

she was there every day and this is in

the 90s right so much of what we know

from the other victims this is after the

year 2000 the FBI knew this did and they

didn't act and that's why all those

other victims exist that's it's just

disgusting so this also have been

stopped in the 90s absolutely absolutely

but you had a sitting president who

according to Maria farmer was showing up

to Epstein's place while there were

girls there yeah that's what she said"




Q: r we ]there[ yet?


"Yeah buddy - almost… We're close now: but there IS some more to come…"


Q: Jesus! how much longer?


"Longer than think, hoes. Longer than you could possibly even imagine… :::


LIABILITY: All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code.


Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Reporting: Bonnie Nirgude’ with Linda Forsythe

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 2, 2020, 6:21 p.m. No.9005962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



the F.O.G. of war:


>Case No.: 19CV2407 CAB AHG


file source:


Parsa v. Google.pdf







Case No.: '19CV2407 CAB AHG




The Al Organization, Inc, Cyrus A. Parsa, The Worlds ) Case No.: '19CV2407 CAB AHG


People, Victims of Persecution, Rape, Torture, Concentration Camps, Sex, Human and Organ Trafficking and Organ Harvesting in China, Hong Kong,) America and Around the World, not limited to democracy activists, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Uyghurs, Christians, Tibetans, Judges, Lawyers and


Journalists tortured and killed in China. John Does 1 Unlimited




Google L.L.C, Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Eric Schmidt, Nancy Pelosi, John 0. Brennon, James Corney, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, Facebook, Inc, DeepMind Inc, Alphabet Inc, The World Bank, Neuralink Inc, Tesla Inc, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Microsoft. Bill Gates, CISON PR NewsWire. CNN. Cable News Network. Anderson Cooper. Don Lemon. MSNBC, Rachel Maddow. James Clapper,

Washington Post. New York Times. Time Magazine. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard. Adam Schiff, Wyss


Institute, Daroer, Qualcomm. George Soros,


Soros Fund Management. Open Societv Foundations. University of Vermont. Joshua Bongard and Sam Kriegman. Rockefeller


Foundation. Huawei, Boston Dynamics. Hanson Robotics. Didi Chuxing, Megvii Face++. Alibaba,


Sensetime, !Carbon X, Festa, Chinese Communist Party, & John Doe's 1-Unlimited




































>Why We Sued Big Tech for Artificial Intelligence Misuse & Contribution to Win for Humanity



Anonymous ID: 66056b May 2, 2020, 7:46 p.m. No.9006686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



Skinning feijoas for dehydrating and dang near skin'd muh fingers when this debater barrrs like silence of the lambs! Check IT: 00:02:48 and 2x moar!


>Uni Student Debater with Family Farm Takes on Vegan


Q: Is it consequences of P.I.S.?


Q+: Would you be surprised if the P.I.S. began chanting, "Four legs good:Two legs better"? (Oink, hicK!-)


QBouns: Why do feijoas taste and smell delicious?


and they naturally ferment! 4 legs good 2 legs betterer! 4 legs good 2 legs betterer "


sing it pedo-bitches. [like your [very] being depends on it] 'cause i 'n i CAN eat bloody feijoas too.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 3, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.9017337   🗄️.is 🔗kun




By your writing, your behaviour is like that of a being that has entered a virtual [sex] brothel and chosen to make rape-orgasims [rapegasim] as part of the modus operandi. [Sorry, that's against House Rules]<:>[you have been warned=Security_EYE[s]]


And including: Don't threaten or defame my character:


[[we hate liars]<:>[W.I.P.E.[s]]<:>[parasites]]


Got that, behaviour-of-parasite' writer?


That stated: Let's look at Your statements:


>Man's colon length is very short, while Primates have much longer colons for fermentation.

>YOU should learn some anatomy, moran.

>Fuck off faggot.


Note the 3 ways. Occulted for the binary-mind. :- So, to hell your Hegelian "satanic inversion".


The Frugivorous Nature Of Man

~Dr. Carlos Brandt


Do YOUR Research.


And screw ya VR brothel, too: [too many hoes into rapegasims and other nasty, anti-live merde] to party. Who'd want to party with wilfully ignorant pedovore enablers, anyway? It's a kakistocracy hell created by W.I.P.E.s


Govern-mentis, mind-controlled, parasitic, Service-To-Self carnists need to change for Good: [or kNot] - their choice.


And it is mathematical: And IT IS mathematical<:>LIVE_Pattern [or kNot]



Q: Has the P.I.S. empowered [gut] parasites to write?


Q+: Would writing entrap? swords[logically]


QBonus: Why does hygiene BEGIN with cleaning internally? [internal, parasitic chaos projects chaos-Logically]






PS Big Canine Elephant is F.O.R. the faggot-thang we got go'nnn… (do u frot?) I haven't: - butt - just 4 u -= i-am-a-jin frot'n dat Elephant! - 'cause that's like WHAT carnists is-and-are doing with the elephant in the wRoomB.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 4, 2020, 1:19 a.m. No.9022269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727






>WAKE UP NEW ZEALAND - Your Government is acting unlawfully


> "… meantime write to the Prime Minister tell her what you think. Write to the

Minister of Health tell him what you think about him going out and breaking

the law, driving to the beach when he's telling the rest of us that we can't…"


:that's hilarious Muriel!


But, yes: I'm with Sue: Write Commercial Lien[s]


And including Binding Citizens Initiated Referendum: cause i 'n i advocate beautiful, live Anarchy (definitions MATTER).


Q: Define anarchy vs.[kakistocracy]


Q-: Define 5G and vaccine vs. Teslaphoresis.


WHO would disagree[?]


…Warning: Tard-Trigger-Alert:

'cause paying [tax] for anti-live is like being Violated_by_Sniffer_monkey-old-dogs-can_byte.webm

Humans need to stop thinking, emoting and acting like naughty, [calculating] monkeys that violate AND don't wash their hands after sticking it in [wrong] doG' orifice without :- consent AND cross-speciesism disrespect!


A graphic proof of:

  1. Man' (higher) Moral Agency, and

  2. Hygiene.


… And that BullDoG' look at the hoe taking the video: if looks could kill, they certainly will… (i'm sure Rodney Rude and many moar can laugh their tits off at this - and we all need a laugh in these interesting x/.) 'cause dat hoe is just lucky Dogs and Man are friends.



Anonymous ID: 66056b May 4, 2020, 1:49 a.m. No.9022344   🗄️.is 🔗kun



These wouldn't post earlier: I made them just 4u 2.


LaugH :-) [or kNot]


'cause i 'n i don't care (for the right reason[[s]/[thangs])


And as 4 u Dear Jon da (999): what's the gutz? ' cause u seems verily repetitive there ol' chum...


Where's da Beef? (huh?)


Recall FUL:L_DECLASS: Remember that.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 5, 2020, 4:18 p.m. No.9044357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>4563




Yeah BUTT: Why give [Dem-Tard]s - the SAME hoes that got earth in to this chaos :- y give them any attention?


Turn them OFF:


Trump is a carnist hunting pedovores. It's as "good" as it gets: until humans choose to change for Good.


Q: Define a right.


Q+: Define harm.


QBonus: If 5G and vaccinations is and are deployed: Define Teslaphoresis.


Q*: If more than 7 percent know Truth and Care: What happens…?


>Farm Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.5.20



> "… diagnostic port typically located under

the steering wheel that allows mechanics

to download diagnostic information and

to perform software updates. In a first

paper the researchers from UCSD in the

university of washington showed that if

they could touch the canvas through that

diagnostic ports they could take over

all of the functionality of the car …"


    • -[]


It's because [of the Babylon] too many Men are awake kNow:We've surpassed 7%. 7!

and the now the whole dang "herd" is and are Eye[S]<:>[ON]


>Prince Andrew Epstein And Harvard


U C: If u is and r surrounded by 7 billion wilfully ignorant pedovore enablers :- i 'n i build a castle too. Wall kind and placement; like what you let in: Mission_Critical:



Because - carnist' wall[s] is and are breached, supply-lines open: deemed W.I.P.E.' [Essential-Services] with every meaty mouthful of [dead-sentient]-others.


When 7% STO F.O.R. Good: Shite Getz Real


And until then: IT's WAR-Castles with Howl and Shaun and iPOT In The Pursuit Of Truth. Respect for clever cleavers.


"See no;Hear no; Say no EVIL" has expired:



Eating no evil:Next


7% hoes:-, SEVEN PERCENT: Get IT Done!

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 5, 2020, 4:33 p.m. No.9044563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727




All your BASES are belong to US:




"… diagnostic port typically located under

the steering wheel that allows mechanics

to download diagnostic information and

to perform software updates. In a first

paper the researchers from UCSD in the

university of washington showed that if

they could touch the canvas through that

diagnostic ports they could take over

all of the functionality of the car …"


>Farm Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.5.20

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 5, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.9044916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727




Bigger than "Is lockdown legal?" [is slavery legal?]


How about: Can governments lie to the people? [What's the penalty? ]


Is forced tax legal? [Duress: Under threat of harm and including imprisonment]


Is forced taxation without representation legal?


What are the [tax] funds used for?


If particular individual[s] create harm [and including death] with said [tax] funds: What are they liable for?


Is the payer liable too?


Q: Define "legal" vs. lawful.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 5, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.9046785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7498

Cannabis C60<:>Jah! (muh black-goo:colder than Wim Hof doing Holotropic Re-Birth)




Suck IT up hoes:These carnists know their shit: And [at-least] yOur Children are safe(ish) whit 'em.


not quite ITAL, butt-worthy.


Jah Respect Rastafari 'n muh Jain Sufis 'n (from)Elohims!


Spin 'em UP!<:>Light-THEM-UP!<:>with_]Jah~Love[


>See The Full Icke/Rose Viral Presentation


Listen to the goal keeper @ 144m (numbers!-)


Jesus! Ya can't make this s[n-t]uff-UP!


"Fear is the absence of love"


David Icke: Respect


'n 4 all us hoes: ITAL 7! [or kNot]


'cause C60 is only part of the Way… (u r lucky the part contains the wHole)

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 5, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.9047498   🗄️.is 🔗kun



i'm telling John Rose muh fruit test'n +-ve 4 da 'RoNnA!


Lorax is going to be like: a[Hu]ngry.


'n Don't trigger at Louise Sophia [screen-shot] giv'n da BirD to twatt'a-tards.


'RonNA [laugh]

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 6, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.9054939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>5250

>You're Being Manipulated To Hate Each Other So You Can't See What They're Doing


Q: Can carnists have empathy? (for sentient beings)


Q-: Do carnists lie to them selves? [Fetal<:>fatal]


Q[]: Can a particular individual be Service to Others with slaughtered sentient [others] in their gut?


Note for Luke: It IS about FOOD: And WHO's eating WHAT: [parasites eat the host] - change [or kNot]



Anonymous ID: 66056b May 6, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.9055250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



Repent or [kNot]<:>[Lock-Step]


>Scenarios for the Future ofTechnology and International Development.pdf (PDFy mirror)

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 6, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.9055475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727

>How To Become Anonymous And Secure Your Privacy 2020: Joel Stein


>And probably the most hardcore step would be to Become a Digital Vegan - one that uses zero tech. Cash only.



The comments are always telling: Hear, HERE's some:



Pammy Rogers: So not being able to secure your privacy is just "annoying"? Outrageous!


Be gone Be gone: Hahaha exactly, friend

DDENNIS: Cops fabricated false evidence and they place innocent people in jail!

Groove Machine Music Production: Yes

Knossos22: If an individual is stalking someone in any way - in person or electronic - that is creepy! If a civilization is stalking populations in any way that is not only creepy, that is a misanthropic dystopia and will end up being used by a monstrous totalitarian regime. This is not an IF, this is a WHEN. And the WHEN is NOW!

George V: Humanity, in search for eternity, has lost itself deep below the palace of Knossos. In an Labyrinthine haze, made from the purest of the fabrics, of the technocratic rules and regulations.

Sign here: -___

I promise you that your life will

Be so much better than ever


But, it comes with a price,

That price is your freedom.


Penny Kent: When? That is NOW.


People are being TARGETED from our government (TIs -Targeted Individuals)….

Street theater, Red shoes, electronic rays into a person's home, sends a buzz or constant sound in the persons ears (and the be$t earplug$ DO NOT help here),… etc., etc., etc. Many of these TIs are made to look crazy, but this is VERY REAL, and it's DEVISTATING PEOPLES HEALTH AND LIVES!!! IT'S VERY REAL!!!


Our government hires people to stalk TIs, and then turns around and hires someone else to spy on the government paid stalker…. etc…. It's just plain crazy, wild!!! But this REALLY IS HAPPENING TO PEOPLE!!! Our government (US), even pays neighbors to spy on, or inform on another neighbor…

✋Honest, I know this sounds crazy…. buts it's true…. and almost all the time these TIs have to try to go into hiding…. It becomes a pretty desperate situation that's not widely talked about, but it's VERY REAL.

Invincibel: @Penny Kent Absolutely. This is ABSOLUTELY real. The targeting is designed to make the target appear delusional when they describe what is happening to them. The East German stasi used to similarly target individuals. They called it 'zerzetsung,' or 'corrosion,' meant to so degrade a person's life until they would commit suicide, despairing of ever getting out of the program. This was done, as




Ummmmm….: It's Worse than anti-live hoes comprehend:


HI've;-i-am-a-jin:Louise Cypher Sophia Hann (its passport states "Saudi Arabia") with office in London City :


Q: WHO are the hunters?


Q+: What Jurisdiction?


Orbiting Musk rat' excretions<:>the shite has hit the fan. [Beware: It turns the dead-hoes "on"]

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 6, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.9055633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>9174



>EP.873: Dr. Vandana Shiva: Why Treating Coronavirus as a War Will NOT Work!

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 6, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.9058338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



Panda Eyes<:>From ECHELON to NOLEHCE




>Hong Kong Has Become a Prison

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 6, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.9059160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727

>2006 3 20 IR Laser painting Target


Carnist comment about [their]-nightmares<:>[Hysteria]


>Watch for the massive 9.0+ earthquake on the hikurangi fault and gigantic associated tsunami which will smash that country later this year… June I think. Been seeing it coming for years now in dreams. Other christians and patriots in NZ know this is coming also and have been seeing it in dreams too. God won’t protect and defend you if you abandon god and NZ has collectively done this. Glad I escaped in time…


sauze: Solar Fields reply to Alana Shuster:

Alana Shuster 6 hours ago : This Canadian Q believer, Trump supporter has been following since the beginning. My goal is to wake up as many as possible. I have lost friends and family because of my beliefs. I am used to being called crazy. People started to reach out to me about "my epstein guy" They knew I was onto something and wanted to hear more. I have many who are quite awake now. Although I have been let down for three years I Cannot wait for the movie to start. We need a big arrerst and NOW. The creshendo is at an all time high. WWG1WGA




Solar Fields: Spanish patriot here. Can totally relate.

I am a young guy (early 30’s) and actually originally from Wellington, New Zealand… I lost virtually my entire family (about 95% overall and 100% of immediate) during my own “great awakening” and my support for Trump and me talking about the’Deep State’ was the primary reason I was turned into a shunned, hated and scorned outcast.

Even my own mother and twin sister turned against me with a level of spite and viciousness that I did not previously know existed… and they left me for dead… Literally… Was homeless and starving for a few years between 2014 and 2017 and almost got murdered a couple of times in dangerous areas of Australia and New Zealand over that time. My ex-family is very wealthy too.It was mindblowing. Still recovering from the trauma and it’s still upsetting to even think about…

This movement more than anything else has kept me going… and I know I’m not the only one. It’s so inspirational and has been a true candle lighting the way ahead at a time of almost unbearable darkness.


>NZ is a beautiful country but the cabal owns and has ruined the place and it is screwed. Watch for the massive 9.0+ earthquake on the hikurangi fault and gigantic associated tsunami which will smash that country later this year… June I think. Been seeing it coming for years now in dreams. Other christians and patriots in NZ know this is coming also and have been seeing it in dreams too. God won’t protect and defend you if you abandon god and NZ has collectively done this. Glad I escaped in time…


I, like many others in this movement, have been through hell because I did the right thing. However, I look forward to a bright and beautiful future in Spain – which, like the USA – has chosen a more positive, higher path as a collective and has not abandoned god, family and patriotism. To my fellow patriots out there who also went through a nightmare these past few years for daring to break the mind control and who became “black sheep” in their families because they, ironically, refused to BE a sheep, you are not alone… our hell was temporary but a beautiful, abundant and free future is our destiny because we have done the right thing. God will give you a new family if you lost your old one because they rejected you for not being evil and living a lie, like them… This is happening to me already and my faith and hope has truly been rewarded beyond my wildest dreams.I feel sorry and have deep empathy for some members of my ex-family, including my mother and sister but some of these people are pure evil (repeat animal and child abusers and violent, proud criminals) and knowing that the kind of fate shown in this video awaits them helps me to let go and move on. Looking forward to seeing their ‘deep state’ heroes meet similar ones… And hey Alana and other international Anon’s – no matter how many old family members we lose we’ll always have each other right! ; ) “You are not alone and you are not in the minority – have faith – GOD WINS”. Much love and #WWG1WGA from Spain. “The meek (and spiritual warriors, jaja) shall inherit the earth”


Solar Fields: @Dave Chapman Stay safe man. Know how hard it is… was so bad for me I had to leave… I wish I was wrong about the earthquake and tsunami but I don't think so. If you're in Wellington, Napier or Gisborne just remember to be 35 metres above sea level within 10 minutes of the main quake




Moral of the story: Carnists keep their nightmares [dreams] to them selves.


and recall: The hoes KNOW about dustification and [Tesla]-stuff… So, IF a quake happens on said [future] date ; IT points to an anti-live agenda.


Now<:>Observed and Recorded:

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 7, 2020, 3:20 p.m. No.9070467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727




Ya can't make this crap up:


[well-sump-tards-is-and-are]<:>[anti-live-govern-mentis]<:>[kakistocracy] -dem Nasty.


'n i don't know 'bout everythang ;- butt da plan is unfolding according to plan: 'n Here comes the [Energy-Mark-Ritual]


Hoes better know how to Contract: [or kNot]


>Philosophy of Community Self-Scrutiny

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 8, 2020, 12:52 a.m. No.9076718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727

My-my (quack):[season] and Jones' Town is back in Business.


Alex likes Mark: He actually Listens (mostly). Good enough. i 'n i won't be suck'n no bone-broth though…


Go to 17:00 for Moral Godliness


>Mark Passio Interviewed On InfoWars - 2020-04-30

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 8, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.9085051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>5274



Trouble is -W.I.P.E. hoes can't Navigate: [Period]<:>[IT is best they step away from the controls]


>Most Important Space Science Discovery | Dipole Scalable Universe


124875… 124875 .. 124875 . .[]Sing IT Hoes [it'll help transmute your SHIT]

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 8, 2020, 3:35 p.m. No.9085274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



Q: Why is Gravity a function of plasma (current flow)?


Q+: Why does Dr. Sheldrake prove gravity fluctuates?


QBonus: Why is length linked ([ock-stepped] with light for Earth Units? [laser interferometer locks meter]


"There were Giants in those days: " Yeah but g wasn't 9.81m/s2.


Mike Drop<:>(He'll Bounce)


>Most Important Space Science Discovery | Dipole Scalable Universe


comments: (from trainee cigar rollers )


>Greg Smith: A torus implies something outside of it… empty space? Other toruses?


>Coil Smoke: Gravity is a repulsive force. It only appears to simply attract. The Earth blocks propagation below our feet. We are pushed toward the Earth with the weight of the universe on our shoulders. Little g=G/M or g=1/M. Gravity is inverse of mass !!!


>Richard Wilson: The problem is, any models attempting to show distance/trajectory/speed/acceleration/luminosity of ANY stellar objects beyond our ability to measure via triangulation, and based solely on the assumption that redshift is an accurate gauge of distance, is inevitably going to return bogus data. Halton Arp showed conclusively how redshift is not a product of distance, yet all of these models are based on that central assumption. Sorry, this video is an intelligent analysis of useless, patently false data.

>Richard Wilson: That’s not even getting into the equally flawed thinking that went into the creation of “dark matter” and “dark energy”, which are literally just ad hoc creations by shitty scientists who couldn’t accept that their models of gravity weren’t agreeing with observational data. I can’t believe that smart people somehow allow such wool to be pulled over their eyes, all because of some emotional need to be accepted by mainstream authoritative institutions. A need that overpowers intellectual honesty. Fucking tragic.




The only tragedy i 'n i see is and are W.I.P.E.s everywhere.



Anonymous ID: 66056b May 8, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.9085546   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ahhh muh abjad 'n gematria:


Recall WHAT Louis Pasture said on his [death_bed]: It's not the microbe; it's the Terrain.


i.e. 5G and vaccines exist: How's [yOur] Terrain? ['cause where we headed is null-and-void IF we continue to allow wilfully ignorant pedovore enablers control yOUR Earth]


Q: Shall we Number Enochian?


'cause A i 'n i can grok compressed Clifford Algebras like Orca doing a [sound]-check.


Living Page. Yo Stigmata. I have Hewn Desiderata.



Anonymous ID: 66056b May 8, 2020, 4:48 p.m. No.9085973   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"The Star Gates are closed. We must stay……."(7)




'cause the hoes that make [forced] vaccines don't give a rancid rat's arse about yOUR DoGs.


Sergeants<:>You KNOW the Orders:- ['n Agents [eYe]s bee like :Everywhere] :-)

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 8, 2020, 11:43 p.m. No.9090217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727




Perhaps the Jews, et al being cooked with 5G in Gateshead would agree. However, WE are our own problem by any Universal Measure.


And, as Ben Davidson states, (i paraphrase); "Gates' 666… It's too easy: I smell a [rotten] FISH." [or sumptang like dat]


>Philosophy of Community Self-Scrutiny


>Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 9, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.9098104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4905 >>7247




Your obfuscation and diversionary tactics piss me off like a pubic hair in a public toilet bowl: Cease and desist.


THE ENEMY is and are rapists and murderers of Man. [Logically]


Extend your thinking: Universally, THE ENEMY is and are rapists and murderers of Sentient Beings.


IF you don't comprehend THAT Truth: [null-and-void]


'cause i don't make the [rules].


Q: Why are Orca<:>Dragon-of-the-Deep?




>Bob Marley - Rainbow Country




Bob Marley Burnin And Looting Tonight


This morning I woke up in a curfew

Oh god, I was a prisoner too - yeah

Could not recognise the faces standing over me

They were all dressed in uniforms of brutality

How many rivers do we have to cross

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 10, 2020, 2:33 p.m. No.9113011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729




999, the anti-live [and including carnists]<:>[W.I.P.E.]s LAUGH at you. Because you completely MISS the target [parasites].


For example: here's a useful W.I.P.E-git spilling Truth about 5G [beam-forming], @00:13:10 "…If you are afraid of 5G in this way, you might as well be afraid of the streetlights because they emit higher energy frequencies."


and 00:12:17 " 5G that actually sits in the realm of plausibility. The military even used high powered 95 GHz beams in their active denial system, which just made the people on the receiving end feel like someone just opened an oven door in front of their face and it could burn people …"


>The Truth About 5G


For those of us that have visited EMF/EMR free-zones: The refugees are very real and are being harmed by the electro smog humans are excreting.


999, until your .pdf exposes the slaughter of sentient beings for [pleasure], YOU are wasting T.I.M.E.


Change for Good or [kNot]

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 10, 2020, 3:37 p.m. No.9113758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729 >>3913

Tards gon'a Tard:


>(g) Authorization of appropriations.—To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated—


(1) $100,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2020; and


(2) such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal year 2021 and any subsequent fiscal year during which the emergency period continues.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 10, 2020, 3:51 p.m. No.9113913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729



Tards gon'a Tard:


>Dr. Rashid Buttar URGENT! Full Disclosure From INSIDE| HR 6666 IS COMING!


ditch ya "smart" phone. or at least the SIM. Use an analog video / camera.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 10, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.9114873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729

Recall: When things go mao "China",



>"Stalin Soviet Union had special forces called an KVD which were special

Kazarian police created by khazarian mafia in soviet union and that special

police was taking intellectuals professors doctors writers taking staff of universities and

executing them on the spot."




Seems the "intellectuals professors doctors and writers" didn't imagine their wilful ignorance of pedovores would come back to [byte] dem.


Humans need to change for Good.


Q: Define a right.


>Skull and Bones Deception of War

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 11, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.9129461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729 >>9585

On the "On The Turning Away"




Man IS and ARE Elohim' GOLEM


Deal with IT:[or kNot]


'n 4 [all] u placenta-homunculus-hoe[s]: Control your excrement - or WE [WILL] :- while we prepare your Trans-Port (5)


'n 4 da DOGS OF WAR: Stalag-Luft_Stephen-Fry_ SPIKE-JONES_ Medley-war(2x Hegelian)




109_In_Coming_Dr_ Judy_Mikovits_PHD_Fired_Jailed_Broke_For_Proof-of-Vaccine-Injuries-They Live(7)


Not much longer kNOW:


Note F.O.R.:Cows ;- keep your horns 'n heads Low: The Spitfire flies under the 109' F.I.R.E. (with Pilots like Roald Dahl at the controls)




>"Dr Judy Mikovits PHD Fired, Jailed and Broke For Proof of Vaccine Injuries"




>(Rare!) Stalag Luft (1993) - Stephen Fry



Anonymous ID: 66056b May 11, 2020, 4:46 p.m. No.9130515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729

Q: Can a Man, trying to live symbiotically, amongst [ming'n] W.I.P.E.s be free?


>Jordan Peterson warns against government power (relevant now during Corona Virus)

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 11, 2020, 11:24 p.m. No.9136547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729 >>2775



-from UmmBridge:


> "…never return to royal duties because of

coronavirus restrictions rendering

public engagements unsafe for years."


[[Shall We PLay A GamE]<:>[who's on 1?]]




Q: Can carnists travel?


Q-:Why do [W.I.P.E.]s control Earth?

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 12, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.9144905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729 >>7247



[Ultra Vires]<:>[Comercial Liens]


Many Imhotep' DOGs need re-training (with care and love and including tough-love [if required]) :- like a fresh homunculus.


Same goes for all the anti-live, solipsistic hoes.


Q: How much more Energy are humans going to put into military' M.A.D.ness?


Q-: Is carnism Mutually Assured Destruction?


[Q]: Why are pedovores [still] travelling?


>The Coronavirus lockdown is unlawful and the fines issued are void


It's a human SES-pool. And it's little wonder the Senior Executive Services shake their heads in disgust. In the same way i shake my head in disgust when hoes slaughter for pleasure.

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 13, 2020, 2:31 p.m. No.9158974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729

This is what IT sounds like: [when[W.I.P.E.s]talk]


US Faces Meat Shortage


Tards is and are nothing butt [predictable]. Their anti-live "thinking" exposed [by every symbol they write, - check-IT:




>Buy Australian beef then. Since China has stopped imports


>Meat Shortage? Just take the beef export from Australia since china doesn't want it anymore!


>Talk to the Australian's the CCP just banned Meat exports from Australia.


>MattCat1562: Chris: there are no such things as bacon trees.

musk-Rat-E: ITS SHOW TIME…


America Uncovered: If only!


Pieter-Bas Hoogsteen: America Uncovered maybe in the future. Let’s only hope Elon has not sold too much of his possessions, so he still has the ability to do so…


interwebtubes: MattCat1562 oh how we all wish there was 🥓🥓🥓🥓🐷


Menaceblue3: Bacon trees only grow optimally in a heavy carbon dioxide, cold temperature, and low sunlight levels. That's why we need to go to Mars!


iLoveYour sacredCow: Haha bacon trees are a staple food source in the cartoon Robot and Monster. Heck, there’s even an episode where a bacon tree turns into a maniacal stalker.


gokusondbz: I don't like pork 🤢🤢🤢


Patrick Kenyon: @gokusondbz Don't worry. If scientists can create a bacon tree, beef trees will follow.


James Hickok: So I wasted my money buying bacon seeds?????




Q: Is meat [essential services]?


Q+: Swap "meat" with "SLAVES", make it Earth-orientated "Earth faces a slave shortage"



Anonymous ID: 66056b May 13, 2020, 2:48 p.m. No.9159267   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Binding Citizens Initiated Referendum


Purple until WE achieve Ortegrity. NZ are small enough to go "Iceland" [pots 'n Pans] in a heart-beat.



Example: i put cannabis in the smoker when i "rob" muh Bees' Hive. Shirtless and gloveless: no body dies. And the hemp paddock has moar than enough "nectar" to replace muh takings… me 'n the Bees get along just fine; i'm benign at worst (and i did build the home they choose to inhabit) … And i kill [invasive] wasps: Like them smell of napalm in the morning

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 13, 2020, 7:50 p.m. No.9164026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729 >>4333



Binding Citizens Initiated Referendum<:>[ [Parasitic_Wasp[Natural]Attrition] ]<:>Clean House<:>Happy Beehive' Queen


Hoes that look to the [kNight] sky and think "help" arrives externally [for all the wrong reasons]: IS 'n ARE Lost. And they'll project that lost shite on ya any chance they get; Like a panicking, drowning hoe is want to do. ~All Good Captains know these [dark] things.


So: this is da WHAT 'n WHY [recursively]<:i 'n i with John and 'em Monty Python Society For Putting Things On Top of Other Things Gang - WHEN he emotes, "It's silly."


And the Chairman agrees: "Meeting adjourned: FOREVER . "


It IS that easy hoes. And IT IS that easy.


[and including:[ know, NO [silly] Project Blue Beam, too]<:>[thinking machines are out-lawed]]: Universally




Monty Python Society For Putting Things On Top of Other Things

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 13, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.9164333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4388



Tragic thang is: hoes throw the baby out with the bathwater. muh Trees could USE that Water!@


  • but ya gott'a know which homunculus are like Worthy of resurrection : I see very few Worthy on the cross :- but a few are enough.


'n Jesus (the Essene Gospel of Peace Jesus) :- he'd probably go ENKI 'n ENLIL on US ALL! chaff 'n wheat (and Millet Beer) 'n all that…

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 14, 2020, 12:16 a.m. No.9166324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729

>Why the majority is always wrong | Paul Rulkens | TEDxMaastricht



"Hey let's go to the highway close by,

see if we can pick up some dead animals on the side of the road

and prepare ourselves a crispy dinner."


That's a disturbing thought.

But here's the funny thing,

for many in the world this would be a perfectly normal response,


nothing wrong with that.




Ummm……. perhaps the human "transport" system kills too many?

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 14, 2020, 2:17 a.m. No.9166757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729



>Elon Musk’s prediction for the future of energy in Australia | 60 Minutes Australia


Merde! No hemp graphene? With highest charge density material we know to-date!!!!!! Tards: Stupid W.I.P.E. TARDS! Neighbourhoods with an abundance of lithium-ion [bombs] would make Fallujah look cold under white phosphorous [rain]: Be it an attack from Traitorous [hu-mans] and or a C.M.E. [butt i guess it'd "calm" the hoes for miles downwind]. I've been near a small Lithium-ion pop and hiss show and blown a hydrogen-leaking lead-acid in muh face too :- little things in comparison to 100MW Lithium-ion power-bank.[Tiny]


y can't tards see the [potential] danger: Is Maralinga, SA 5690, Australia not enough? Fukushima, Chernobyl, White Island, and 2052 nuclear bombs detonated [since the M.A.D. INSANITY [psychosis] set-in]. and and and ! WHAT were [is and are] the anti-live hoe-tards "thinking"!?


Eugenics much?


Observed / recorded: Jamestown SA, Australia. Lithium-ion. [keep out: during electrical/seismic/CME/WAR-time]


Pity; I LIKE Jamestown.


Q: Why are battery patents owned by petrochemical interests?


Q+: Who restricts Man' creative ability with IPO and patents and political agendas?


QBonus: Who thinks musk-Rat-E' neural-link-google-inc is breaking Universal Law? (or at least should be installing SAFE graphene power banks)


And cease and desist for using Nikola Tesla name AND obfuscating Nikola Tesla' Great Work.


And where's Maxwell WHISSON' "Air Well" on our homes?


[tards be pay'n for air next: . .Merde of Cow! [Carbon Tax!]

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 14, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.9174584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729 >>8949



>eugenics: Wishing death on others.


IF you is and are carnist AND eugenicist:[anti-live,psychotic]


IF you is and are carnist AND Prussian Indoctrination [govern-mentis "teacher"] AND eugenicist: [anti-live,psychotic]


IF you is and are carnistic eugenicist: Don't "judge" until you can deal with your mirror.



>Went to market today. Talked to customer in line behind me. "as one human to another, do you know that we are not meant to breath our own carbon dioxide for long periods of time, we insted are supposed to exhale it and breath in oxygen"


Actual response: "I didn't know that"


My thought: How is it that after so many years on earth, humans do not understand the basic concept of the carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange that wee as humans ned.



>I am bitterly torn when I hear this. I mean, how is Bill Gates wrong to depopulate the earth?

>I can see the cabal's point of view and I am totally ashamed of myself for seeing it their way.


IF you are ashamed: Stop being anti-live


Recall: "Born in sin" is an insult to your Mama. Unless you are meaning Sin is Moon-time.


Q: Define Elohim (in the plural, present continuous) and with sum Respect for the Devil<:>Lived

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 15, 2020, 2:51 p.m. No.9190813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1046







Q: WHAT are the PIS guards doing to the minds?


Q-: Why does [IT] want us divided? [ranging]


[Q]: Why is and are to [cleave]<:>DEEPER<:>Cleave[s][You]:?


Is it because Symbiotic, Sentience Trumps "thinking" machines? :-{Universally}


Military weaponry systems Barrie Trower EXPERT


Remedy: Use life-enhancing frequencies. Royal Rife, Nikola Tesla, Dan Winter, Stan Tenen, (to name sum-of-many)


Because harming Man has [[Consequences]<:>[Cleave]]





Gateshead, England, UK

"... gagging order for talking about what's happening in a lot of people getting sick.

insect population has disappeared street lamps have antennas on and the insects are attracted to these they're dying off.

he's now got this gagging order see he can't talk about it. but we're seeing the rollout.

he's saying hundreds of thousands of masts all across the country large masts.

with these small cells they are every 150 meters yeah there are they're going on every lamppost..."

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 15, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.9191919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729



Q: How do we get moar normi-hoe[s] on 8kuntop?


4 example: knock the C.P. OFF [hard] with all your AI-ness: It turns any Good Sentient Being away :- and normie-hoes go back to their Meat-Money-Military<:>[W.I.P.E.] program'in.


… must say that although the double-fist'n prostrate-project'n look[ed] consensual (what's the hr. rate for that? 'n r smoothies still Top $$?-) : 'cause i'd only seen protruding rectums in farrowing crates, prior. Seen a shark regurgitate a number-plate too: Dang thang vomits its stomach out - liner 'n all, shakes dem sharp teeth and sucks the whole dang contraption back it! [talk about Efficient!-]


Orca, being Mammal; can't do that. But nor do they need or use number plates. Like humans don't need dog-tags: they're known by their shit.[deeds]<:>[done dirt cheap]


Resiliency: Becoming Hard To Kill with Dr. Rashid A. Buttar


Best Quate: "Guns don't kill: Idiots kill" :- specially the dem hoes on big-pharma-pills.


Q+: WHO stops Man growing cannabis again?


anyhoo: back to muh prolific feijoas! (no chance of prolapse 'n this prostrate :-) 'cause i 'n i be Kinky Reggae<:>like Hit 'n Run! all Sentient 'n Consent 'n

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 15, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.9193622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729


>Space Shuttle Launch Audio - play LOUD (no music) HD 1080p


Q: Obfuscation<:>antiquated nonsense. Where's muh magnetic lensing "machine"? [hoes ain't got]: da H_Eart


Had_EartH: [Past]


Grassroots Movements Against Mandatory Vaccines


This is like the final Call for all the Good Doctors and Nurses - the ones that CARE:


"Quarantine" is when you restrict the movement of a sick person.

"Tyranny" is when you restrict the movement of a healthy person.


John Rose may just be your ONLY Remedy for the Crimes Against Humanity. That's gathering momentum; Live vs. anti-live insanity.


We need moar Witnesses of the Real Healers: Endocannabinoid Balancers...


Dr. Shiva (yah can't make this stuff up!)




[do-did i hEar a bul-on] wit dat?

Anonymous ID: 66056b May 16, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.9204096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729 >>8929

Hoes are being setup for WAR:


Q: How do we wake the W.I.P.E.s to the reality they were lead by pedovores?


Jimmy Savile, Royals And Johnny Rotten: Ex-Cop Rob Gavin


"… the big thing for me if I found out one

of my friends or was a Peter fog or

convicted to being a pedophile I

wouldn't need to go and visit him again. " vs. Pedos are KOS…


[[Interesting Times]<:>W.I.P.E.]