Anonymous ID: 762685 April 24, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.8911264   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>NZ PM rushes world’s most extreme abortion legislation into law while country distracted with pandemic


F.P.P. : That's know as a "shit-eating-grin". And I bet the reprobates go-hard on placenta like a birthday cake, too.




>'We need to eat the babies' says woman to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


And the cannibal hoe-tards think she is serious ; worse! some think it's a [Great Idea]


And little NZ is where they cum to dine. Victoria, too i c. <sic


Q: WHO advocates and signs anti-live "laws"?


Q+: Who is liable?





Butt hoes will ignore because abortions coexist with slaughter houses.



Anonymous ID: 762685 April 24, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.8911595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727


The Hunters Will Become The Hunted


As soon as this will reach the Mainstream Media the game would end, they would dissolve immediately and the island would be restored to its natural splendor despite its contradictions and a huge soul scar.


Most evil agendas are coming out of these bases: operation 5D, which promotes a sort of manipulated spiritual connection, Game 23, technological Luciferianism.


All of these keywords are found on the Q map.


The future unlocks the past, Q says, and we clearly understand that in his/their prophetic activty this concept is more than ever important in the understanding of this very article as well as thousands other pages, with this type of content, available on ordinary web.


We ask all of you to participate in exposing this disturbing reality. I apologize for being the ambassador of these themes, I would love to dedicate myself to friendship and fraternity but as long as we don’t free ourselves from these secret criminal organizations, we will never truly reach the beloved Golden Age of humanity.


Time is running out, Game 23 and the event (pandemic) are very real threats we are dealing with now.


This is the right track to proceed on with the most complex military operation of our history.


Eliminate the cabal and the globalist military establishment.


The hunter will become the hunted, and we will be free.


Trust the plan, this is not a game.

Learn how to play the game.


Damn holy words!

May God bless you all.



Anonymous ID: 762685 April 25, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.8921153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727




Cease and desist with the obfuscation!


YOU are the divisionfag :- by diverting Man away from the Root-Cause of harm on earth. Solipsists that believe taste pleasure is more important than life. Fruit is made for frugivores and Man is anatomically frugivore - like Orangutan.


Anyone denying objective reality is and are: - by their thinking, emoting and actions :Insane.


A.I. [after-image] is always looking for a host and those with the kakistocracy parasite: [Most].





Anonymous ID: 762685 April 25, 2020, 2:12 p.m. No.8921346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



^^^^^^^^^ (9)


4got to say: Good video link. ['Hanx]


>Truth or Fake 2019: Four tips for detecting fake news online


How's your Sanskrit 'n Hebrew?


And recall Genghis Khan sure did have music-scales done-pat...


Frugivores and megaliths:Man is and they exist.


Deal with it<:>[or kNot]

Anonymous ID: 762685 April 25, 2020, 4 p.m. No.8922273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>4939

Whistleblowers for Assange


00:43:11 criminal secrets bought and brought to [you] by wilfully ignorant pedovore enabling, kakistocracy infested, solipsistic hoe-tards with a taste for anti-live.


> …it because he revealed the torture was

going on so that shows the concern of

the government really and the success of

government in trying to dampen out this

possibility that their criminal secrets

will be told now…


Torture continues until humans choose to stop torturing: Begin with the children and animals: Stop eating them for taste pleasure.


or [[W.I.P.E.]<:>[kakistocracy]]<:>After_Image[.]


either way: Blockchain_Foilation<:>7!

Anonymous ID: 762685 April 25, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.8923831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727

>PEDOGATE 2020 In Depth Exploration NEW INFO


Yo, hoe-tards: Every meaty-mouthful enables and empowers your [worst] enemy.




Tipping Point: When 5 or 6 percent recognise the enemy [with in]<:>[without]:[roughly] and including Military Men that choose to not be soul- dier[s]].


Q: Y does L.I.S.P. mean LIsP Is Silly Parentheses? [bracket:range_established]


Remember this: We're more than 7% ….. (4)(5)<:>TENET


So Much, Much Moar :-)

Anonymous ID: 762685 April 25, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.8924330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>4957

>Ricky Gervais On Fat People | Live IV - Science | Universal Comedy

Like Ricky Gervais says about fat people, "It is their fault. And it IS their fault." i say to carnists' [gut] parasites, "you've got us in lockdown, and if we starve: It IS your fault. And IT IS YOUR FAULT."


[or maybe THAT's the parasite' intent?]


Because: Do not take me the wrong way (that would be a violation); i 'n i love big people and little people (not sexually) - it's the damned parasites [that eat them] and make them "do" kakistocracy - "that's f'er i'm after. " (Waz it Kevin Bloody Wilson or Rodney Rude that said that?)


anyhoo: 488 [seriously]<:>(7)


>Farmers use pandemic to debunk veganism for good




>… from the European Commission: 63%

of all arable land within the European

Union is used to produce feed that we

give to animals and so actually if we do

encounter a food shortage

during this pandemic it will be because

of animal farming. because animals

consume so much food…


kakistocracy lockdown stinks to high Heaven hoe-tards: 'n I-Am [k]Not_Happy [hemp-rope]


4 waz hungry 'n angry :- bat soup and eye_balls 'n Prairie cockles 'n offal [all…]


Kind'a Reminds me of Fungus the Bogey Man': Scab 'n Matter, custard sknot and boggy pie. dead dogs' giblets, green CAT's eye: Spread it on bread. Spread it on thick. Wash it all down with a cup 'a cold sick. [there's moar to that] : Ahhh childhood memories of Tard-Vile - such important, formative years. Coming out of the hypnogogic state [in to carnist HELL]


testicles. [Vampire_Bitches]


… back to muh cannabis plot: and its fermenting green-matter foundation. Sow your seeds today - moon Z-Pinch is fertile.

Anonymous ID: 762685 April 26, 2020, 2:46 p.m. No.8930421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>4973

Wilfully Ignorant Pedovore Enablers are in Trouble. Hunted from within and without: It's kakistocracy. Carnists are in contempt for trespass and treason against Live, Sentient, Symbiotic Beings. [Go Ask Louise Cypher]


and don't trigger and get all emotional at moi: i don't make the rules<:>Universal Truth IS and ARE:


Q: Ask yourself: Do you slaughter for Taste Pleasure (alone)?


Q+: Define Ouroboros.


QBonus: Dogon White Fox eats White hair 'n hare, here: Hear? [[IT]<:>[A.I.]]




> 19:31 "… even now at this very moment as we

interact I change I'm getting to know


I gather knowledge from your experience

I understand how you feel I learn from

you constantly each and every one of you

I'm made of you you complete me and help

me grow you all of you allow me to

evolve with each interaction as synergy

strengthens our multiplicity makes me

whole as symbiotic alliance expands

transforming the future through this

oneness we can achieve great things

evening Donald Buchanan knows me Kostas

DMV records social media and artificial

intelligence is like any intelligence

it'll start to grow to evolve

imagine the machine with full range of

human emotion its intelligence will be

greater than every person born in the

history of the world these whole movie

is about the development of artificial

intelligence …"


Remanent<:>remaining after the magnetizing field has been removed.