So you trawl your way through people's lives, photos, finances, families and friends…. picking, judging and criticising as you go, all covertly and sneaky. You have random surveillance shit flying through the air, as well as all ya other tech EVERYWHERE… no disclosure. Nothin. Ya just fucking do it, and you expect me to trust that you have my best interests at heart? If things don't go the way you envisaged you blame the person that has been ruthlessly invaded. It's all just one big fucked up secret isn't it! Fucking bullshit is what it is… it's true, you turn people inside out. Why? There is no consent, but what makes it worse is that you don't care, nor need it. It's just reality now. Glorious. The choices I have left in this world are fucking next to nothing. Everything is imposed. Yeah life is so fucking glorious as a result. You rape souls, lives and privacy, and judging by the 'coincidental' comments over the years on this weirdass fucking disgusting blog, you fucking love and enjoy it and take pleasure in rubbing it in. You'll dive into someone's life then take pleasure in ripping them to pieces openly on here. A complete and utter disgrace and abuse of 'power'. The whole thing is a disgusting sham and a disgrace decided on by a crack team of fucking killers. Wouldn't surprise me if an asteroid is due to hit this fuckhole of a planet and ya just searchin for trekkies with suitable genetics to help try save this fucking savage species. Half of ya still think with ya dicks, sex is power remember, and are horrible, and would chest on your mate or wife, so I have no interest. Daniel you're a fuckwit. Stop waiting.