>Invisible gravitational tunnels discoverable by calculations in 6 D phase space, as the mathematicians call it.
Or as moar smarter people would call them, Electromagnetic currents that form and shape everything in existence, from tiny molecules to vast galactic structures. In 3D. Because that's all one needs to explain these "phenomena".
Gravitational-based models of anything are seriously retarded. Like really fucking actually retarded. Since, the majority of 19th century physics was all based on Electromagnetics, but somehow we "forgot" these things as retards like Einstein became ""geniuses" as the masses of humanity became brainwashed by all the technology that was developed by those some 19th century physics that continue to drive our advancement as a civilization, which appears to only benefit a select few, who also happen to be the same people forcing these very false physics on us, so they can maintain their stranglehold on the technology they use to brainwash and enslave us with.