Anonymous ID: 71b741 Feb. 25, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.8243757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3761 >>3777



So Q, what you're saying is that after almost 4 years those people are still in power, weren't removed, and that we should idly stand by while our guys are picked off one by one? When will Assange be killed? Do you really think we are this stupid?


For the sake of your own movement, show the people that whistleblowers are protected. After all, you yourself were urging people within the gov to "do the right thing". Why would they? So they can die like pic related?


I'm really having a difficult time believing your "good intentions" when our guys are being killed, Q.


Anons, we need to start a peaceful protest. We can end this house of cards by simply starting a national movement where people walk out of work until we get justice. No violence, no bloodshed, no fear. Watch the overlords screech when their plebs wake up and decide to stop participation in a system rigged against them.


Anons, God does not smile kindly on those who would bury crimes "for the good of society" . We must bring it all into the light, so this can never happen again. Look how they beat us over the head daily with their injustices, but when our own children are murdered, "hurr it must be kept hidden for the good of society" right Q?


Wake up! Following a government propaganda op on a board is NOT FREEDOM! It is not what the founding fathers intended! Demand justice, righteousness, and visibility, not more cover-ups.


In b4 anons call me a division fag, while failing to realize the irony that we've become just like the dems ignoring Seth Rich's death.

Anonymous ID: 71b741 Feb. 25, 2020, 8:26 a.m. No.8244033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4060 >>4109


How dare you not happily guzzle the kool aid anon? Obviously you're a shill. Look how much better we are than the dems. We've built a little enclave where not even dissent when our other anons are being murdered is allowed. This is freedom boys!