Shit tier /pol bait thread invaded by 8kun. BTFO berniebitches. Methinks we still got the fucking goods.
>Whatdoes religion want most of all? Control of the masses. All of them do and they vie for control
What does marxism and communism demand? An end to all religious belief. Why? Because true religion encourages individuals to engage with the logos. It offers a direct connection to the infinite (read some fucking dedekind if you have an issue with this - if you dont know who dedekind is then stfu and go read some). A direct connection that strengthens the immaterial spirit of the individual. Marx cant have that. Cuz spirit is neither individual nor immaterial. Its corporate and material. Go serve your fucking marxist masters.
>So tolerance. Many respect. Many IQ. High discussion. Wow.
Agreed. This anon has a very low tolerance for fuckwits and exactly zero respect for shills. If you knew what the fuck you were yammering on about you would realize that plenty of food for thought and discussion was provided in my post.
>Some of your answers validate that thought.
Yeah but mine dont fuckwit. In which fucking universe are you not a fucking shill? Fuck off and kys.
>how the patriots feel right now
You fuckers are everywhere. Like you have a fucking clue how patriots feel. Something or another must be on target.
>Jamming it down people's throats is where you may be going wrong. It's hard to objectively look at a viewpoint when it's been smashed over your head. Does your religion teach tolerance?
Youre fucking confused. Im not trying to convince you of anything. I give zero fucks what you believe. Im simply giving your nonsense a public thrashing. I have no interest in tolerance. The universe has no interest in tolerance. Truth on the other hand is quite interesting. Already finished that dedekind have you?
>you misspelled christfag
Another fucking idiot that knows fuck all about logos and how that shit relates to Marx and Hegel. Fucking shit tier educations on public display.
Were on the fucking chans. I cant help it if all you new faggots and shills dont know the fucking comms. Im sure thats a Q post ….. to learn the fucking comms. Good advice in whatever context you happen to find yourself.
>you have know idea what you are dealing with, do you
Fuckwit shills dropping 36 (and counting as i type) posts of fucking nonsense would be my best guess?
>more evidence of your ignorance
And yet you also fail to recognize with whom you are dealing. You dont even know what the fuck im talking about.
>GTFO shill, KYS etc. are not reasoned argument. Go (you) though.
Fucking Reddit spaced miss manners bullshit is definitely what were all about here. Pic relevant.