Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 7:16 a.m. No.8243557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Republicans considering criminal referrals against Mueller prosecutors

Declassified FBI memos undercut Mueller team claims that Papadopoulos hindered Russia probe

Q informed us John Solomon, Sara Carter were under surveillance, which was lifted subsequently…


Disguised under the 'leaker' target program.



Just the News is John Solomons new website, it is now live!

I think this website is an important tool for Q's GA to bypass the fake narratives, give facts and link to supporting documents (which fake news cannot)

(I posted only because I think JS/JustTheNews its important now and going forward to the GA)

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 7:25 a.m. No.8243610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3616 >>3634 >>3681 >>3752 >>3949 >>4078 >>4104 >>4122

Have any Anons established or theorized a link between 93 dark and the DoD DISA/DCA breach? I think there is a definite link…


The breach involved DISA/DCA which handles WH Comms and Combat Support.

Q Comms involved?

Breach was May-July 2019 Q went dark Aug 2.

One may assume they detected breach in July.

During July SC/JS surveillance was exposed and ended and DNI Coats announced he would be leaving.

Qs final post was Aug 1.

Coats before Declas.

I wonder if Coats and DNI conducted the breach AND if it was a [Trap] which ensnared him as evidenced by the leaker program targeting JS/SC being found and Coats being on the way out, Q confirming.

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 7:41 a.m. No.8243706   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I spent a day on it and thought it may have been a planned trap to capture a dangerous animal. DNI may have been running highly classified Op that Q had to locate in order for Potus to the Declas and establish that underlying intel authorizing DNI Op (potentially even the Coup itself) was fake/manufactured.


I have some digs but just theory based on timelines. I think the Coup could have been

a very legal Op for those Operating it, but based on fake intel C_A gave DNI. SO while it seemed everything was rogue it may not have been, UNTIL it was located by Q (traced back during breach?) and the Op and Intel was Declassified to allow intel to be established as fake, thus predicate was false and Op shut down.


I think when hidden SAPS/Ops exist based on Fake intel, they cannot be shut down until they are located found and their existance confirmed to exist [HUNT] at which point Declas can be ordered, underlying intel reviewed and Op Shut.


Q knew 93 dark late July so once DISA/DCA was breached, if they found our Q SAP/Op it was breached and had to be nixxed and restarted later. Wonder really if it was a [Trap] to backtrace and ensnare. Going after MIL WH Comms data would justify tremendous efforts.

Clear and Present Danger when exposed as based on faulty intel.

C_A may even have classified intel at a level where DNI lacked ability to confirm, but still had to act on it?

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.8243752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4213



^^^I spent a day on it and thought it may have been a planned trap to capture a dangerous animal. DNI may have been running highly classified Op that Q had to locate in order for Potus to the Declas and establish that underlying intel authorizing DNI Op (potentially even the Coup itself) was fake/manufactured.


I have some digs but just theory based on timelines. I think the Coup could have been


a very legal Op for those Operating it, but based on fake intel C_A gave DNI. SO while it seemed everything was rogue it may not have been, UNTIL it was located by Q (traced back during breach?) and the Op and Intel was Declassified to allow intel to be established as fake, thus predicate was false and Op shut down.


I think when hidden SAPS/Ops exist based on Fake intel, they cannot be shut down until they are located found and their existance confirmed to exist [HUNT] at which point Declas can be ordered, underlying intel reviewed and Op Shut.


Q knew 93 dark late July so once DISA/DCA was breached, if they found our Q SAP/Op it was breached and had to be nixxed and restarted later. Wonder really if it was a [Trap] to backtrace and ensnare. Going after MIL WH Comms data would justify tremendous efforts.


Clear and Present Danger when exposed as based on faulty intel.


C_A may even have classified intel at a level where DNI lacked ability to confirm, but still had to act on it?

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.8243914   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Navy and Marine Corps to Ban Personal Firearms for Foreign Troops

Significant because I feel our greatest vulnerability is MIL not being armed on base.

I am not a MIL Fag but Anons who have served please comment on the following:

Could a base be fully breached/controlled and ulitamtely commanded by a hundred or so Rogue Operators if they were on base already and took control of Armory?

Could the largest bases, say 30 be taken simultaenously by 100 Rogues? 3000 total Militants (Spec Forces level) already on bases?

Could the domestic bases then be used as headquarters to take down US Gov by Commies who organize Convicts, Islamists, Lefties and arm them with MIL base weaponry?


My point is that not allowing MIL to carry on base is like trying to counter an assault in a gun free zone, whereby Militants have weapons and white hats dont. recipe for disaster and I think after Pensacola this notable from PB is step one and perhaps step two is allowing carry on bases by US MIL personnel.

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.8243942   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no doubt and motive for certain powers that be to stand down (not truly investigate) existed with the loss of FBI evidence on 22/23 floors, I recall 2500 cases needed to be closed?

Among the big two were Goldman Sachs, others for manipulating gold prices and Exxon etal, for manipulating oil markets.

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 8:26 a.m. No.8244030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4046 >>4049 >>4076 >>4082


>(((Think Logically)))

100% anon!

Gold is money and demand increases with fiat instability.

The ultimate end game reason becomes actual physical day to day purchasing whereby fiat is not in demand and gold/silver is. People selling what others need may refuse fiat and only honor gold/silver specia…

Now silver would have to be the specia to settle Most transactions (90% +) business to business can settle trades with gold, people may buy a house with gold, but buying a loaf of bread or food, etc. with gold is not realistic if it is worth $50+ a gram. But Silver yes at under $1 per gram. (about a penny size)

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.8244041   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes and silver elimination out of physical supply is huge when it is destroyed by industrial uses like photography, medical, etc.

Gold is not fully chemically eliminated to the degree silver is, or so I have read.

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.8244079   🗄️.is 🔗kun



didn't fed announce some blockchain digital $ plans a short time ago?

I think Potus may be using the ESF exchange stabilization fund to this effect, somehow.

X22 report had a guest a few saturdays ago that said treasury and fed were using ESF on a daily basis.

I always thought the ESF was a means that Treasury could issue US money and bypass fed notes and mandatory conversion of treasury notes (money) into fed notes.

Thats a huge dig!

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.8244125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


f*** yes!

Gold used to convert at $20 fiat to the ounce.

Gold increased but really fiat decreased about 8000%!

Fiat always depreciates relative to gold, and thats why the Global Bankers need to change out the global reserve currencies every 50 to 100 years and we are overdue, i think they wanted china to effect the new GRC global reserve currency and me thinks Potus is not allowing that to happen.

Anonymous ID: 8c4d8b Feb. 25, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.8244151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4166


also inflation IS (price inflation) caused by monetary (fiat) devaluation.

prices go up as a result of the value of money going down.

Commodities generally stay with the gold values more than fiat does.

A loaf of bread in 1920 was very close to what it is NOW in weight of gold. Prolly 1000 loaves per ounce , similar to today.

Fiat on the other hand 1920 4 cents a loaf, today $2. Thats how the Bankers steal our wealth!