I was thinking about that too.
Trump just speaks what he knows is true and doesn't care about embellishing it with sweetner to make you take a poison pill.
The charmers, like Barry, have no concern for whta the truth is, they are given a narrative and they stick to it.
Even when the Benghazzi narrative, about a film that no one ever made, 'enflaming' the 'arab street' was so patently false and insulting to Arabs, streets, and everyone else, they stuck to it.
It never occured that slandering the 'Arab Street' as being so reactionary would be a tell to everyone else that 'this story is bogus, this is not a valid describtion of Eygptian or Arab, or even Islamic (non political) motivations. How do they not see how insulting it is to the citizens of that quality?
but no, Rice went and kept on lying. Self rightous scold caught in repeated lying and she (?) still hasn't ever apoligized to everyone for her role in purpotrating a fraud.