The result of the operation was not what we wanted and that is fine. If we look from the view of Q and his Intel, it’s all about ‘where we go one, we go all’ that includes white hats, patriotic anons, and most importantly, all the normies who have not even the slightest clue of any of the changes behind the scenes.
It’s not immediately clear to us what the significance of the operation was because most of us have considered this information to be our ‘reality’ and won’t be happy till the lid is completely off as it should be. We forget what it truly was like to be a normie and how ingrained their day to day life is with the MSM/Hollywood/Entertainment. Think of this like a class, we have already learned the material and passed, and therefore the material we learned seems easy to understand, but the normies have not even seen that this ‘class’ is available and thus the material is totally foreign/not grasp-able.
Operation fake news awards as organized yesterday and agreed upon by Q as our ‘1st organized tweet storm day’ is just the beginning of the ‘class’ we are offering to the world of normies. We are basically the patriot news source to the people and are the front line to infiltrate the MSM’s grasp on the normie minds. The function of the MSM to the ‘sick people’, is the same as the function of ‘We the people’ to Q and the alliance. Operation fake news awards is the beginning of ‘our’ siege on MSM control of the normie minds. Q just tested our capabilities that day, and we can now learn and improve for the next ‘class’ we are commanded to give, in order to awaken the public mind. What was accomplished yesterday truly is the beginning of a great awakening of the public mind and it will only improve after this.
Instead of considering Trump’s fake news awards to being a dud, consider for a moment what Trump posted is forcing the MSM to cover it and provide an avenue for normies to see the fake news that Trump talks about all the time, and it’s coming from Fake news channels themselves. This opens the possibility for the normie mind to say “wow that news article I called trump out on social media is actually false”. That same normie mind could have noticed our hashtags earlier that day and perhaps it ‘clicked’ for them to look closer at MSM stories and to question. We are freeing the world one mind at a time. The pace of this process is totally dependent on the 20/80 />/ 40/60 pace Q is setting. If things are only revealed at a 40% public rate from now on, that means during this time, this situation won’t and shouldn’t theoretically pop off till Q claims 100/0. How Trump displayed the fake news awards totally represents this (20 or 40 public?), and if he retweeted something with #greatawakening or #wethepeople that had /_\ related topics it would break the pace of Q’s Intel to the public. We have to be patient and trust as Q implies all the time, because everyone here including the white hats WANTS this to pop off as fast as possible. The pace that is set, is for maximum safety of US citizens and the world.
Our duty is the only thing that is certain, we have to strive to be 100% committed, max efficiency, understanding of every normies path to awakening, striving to be united as a people, and above all else make sure those sick people fear our passion as patriots and sleep with one eye open.
“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”- Samuel Adams