I have turned a few more eyes to the Q anon. I have been covering it here and I have like 200 people via fb. and 4! twitter followers.
Diligence is Key. Q is always reminding of this. We've been conditioned to instant gratification. We must look at the accomplishment in strides. Q will reach the top of the charts when it is the right time, which will likely be with the bombshell indictments when it will be Heavy on us to keep the facts straight.
Mon-Fri I get to see new faces everyday. I run a taxi company and I swear these people get MAGA PILLED willingly or unwillingly. Always got my aux in my phone and its video after video. I always get hit with the MSM Subjects of Trump and nearly everyone who has a conversation with me lightens the hate on Trump.
I would recommend #AskRandomQuestions publicly about Q anon.
This would also recommend if you drive. Offer rides to people, the gratuity of the ride will already put your beliefs in favor. Kill em with kindness.
Trump has had to really believe in you to come to these boards, to place a team in these boards to give you knowledge and light. These matters were left in the dark for so long. I've know 9/11 was an inside job since 06. I only bring this up because I have never held anything back to spare someones emotions. I am the most brutally honest person you will meet. Try doing that only 5 years after the towers came down, I damn near got into full blown fist fights.
Try tell soldiers who morally join the military for the right reasons but the reality we're in the middle east for the wrong reasons.. Yeah its been a long stressful journey.
I have been so objective towards everything now that I didnt even get to go vote for Trump. Though I would have voted Trump if I had voted. I like everything he said on his campaign but in the same I sat back like, well I liked what Obama said as well and look where that ended.
I thought the shit show was never actually going to come to an end. I figured I would always educate other about the dark side of the street along the way even if it meant going to a FEMA camp to be depopulated.
It is funny how these feelings are never actually set in stone. I have been motivated more than ever to join this resistance and have sat at my pc practically all day today rechecking my twitter constantly. Helped with the memes and #'s With only 4! followers lol.
Be patient, lets build this community, lets share our knowledge. Lets start yelling at people in walmart "HEY! DO YOU KNOW ERIC SCHMIDT?" "No??" "WELL FUCK THAT GUY!" and walk away. It will be silly enough for them to google, bing, or whatever and make them wonder.. USE this, this is, literately activism GOLD!