Home is where you dig it ….Never Forget the Nam Vets
Gimme Shelter
Home is where you dig it ….Never Forget the Nam Vets
Gimme Shelter
Coronavirus Gives Boost To New Era Of ‘No Choice, No Voice’
Big Tech companies censor any voice that does not support their technocrat agenda; in particular, anti-5G, anti-vaccine or anti-global warming will get you kicked off their respective platforms or shadow-banned. This has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with strong-arming.
Here is one citizen’s personal journey and thoughts about ‘No Choice, No Voice’⁃ TN Editor
My wife worked at Henry Ford Hospital for 43 years and just retired 07/02/2019. About 8 years ago the CSR’s, nurses etc. were given the choice to either get the seasonal flu vaccine or wear a mask. Most opted to wear a mask as they did not want the vaccination. Then about 5 years ago HFH, like most hospitals nationwide, made an ultimatum: either get the vaccine or loose your job. She had no choice and had to take the vaccine for the remaining 3 years. Today in many states and cities, “boiler plate” legislation is being adopted that force vaccines on populations while taking away religious exemptions.
As I have testified, back in July 2019 (my presentation on 5G) I mentioned that the number of childhood vaccines was doubled around 1990. Since then the rates of childhood autism has risen exponentially and I have also been dumbstruck that this was not considered a national health emergency, when I first understood the correlation (c. 1989). I’m even more dumbstruck that this issue is still being ignored and suppressed in 2020: 21 years later. I also mentioned that there could be other vectors — contributing factors — including GMO foods and increases in EMF Radiation with the growth in cell phone use.
Stupid FKer they have been doing it for years…You're now just figuring that out…KEK…Dummy
Project SHAMROCK, the sister project for Project MINARET, was an espionage exercise started in August 1945, which involved the accumulation of all telegraphic data entering into or exiting from the United States. The Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA) and its successor, the National Security Agency (NSA), were given direct access to daily microfilm copies of all incoming, outgoing, and transiting telegrams via the Western Union and its associates RCA and . NSA did the operational interception, and, if information that would be of interest to other intelligence agencies, the material was passed to them. "Intercepted messages were disseminated to the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), and the Department of Defense." No court authorized the operation and there were no warrants.
The precursor to the project according to Budiansky occurred in 1940, "In January 1940 the Army's adjutant general sent a letter to the president of RCA, David Sarnoff, asking if a Lieutenant Earle F. Cook might be assigned to the company…" Cook photographed all international commercial cablegrams. "The clandestine arrangement—almost certainly illegal—set a precedent…" Official wartime censorship began in Dec. 1940, when all cables were "turned over to the government for inspection." According to Tordella, "the collection program 'just ran on' ever since its beginning in World War II 'without a great deal of attention from anyone'…" Three major cable companies provided copies of all international telegrams passing through New York, Washington, and San Francisco. In the 1950s, "New Shamrock" tapped the links of 60–70 foreign embassies.
At the height of Project SHAMROCK, 150,000 messages a month were printed and analyzed by NSA personnel.