I warned you all on SATURDAY go to archives and look for RV ANON or Dear Intelligence Overlords.
I TOLD YOU–and you made fun of me. I TOLD you Trump was given bad information which is why he said that stupid ass thing regarding this being gone by spring. This demon virus dies at 60c. UV light does help kill it but most transmissions are INDOORS in the nice cool AC.
I TOLD you there were still traitors in his advisors–I TOLD you the CDC was LYING I told you the truth about transmission.
Guess what–guess who is laughing at you for NOT listening? "The only people to die with this are going to be the rally going MAGA people who only listen to Q and fox news."
"these people are stupid"
"Will put 99% of people in the hospital" (there are not enough hospital beds bro..)
Welcome to the apocalypse. THIS is going to be blamed on TRUMP. Why didn't they listen to me when I posted my warning here in early January? Why did Trump still go to India?
You lot attacked me for daring to suggest Trump was not on top of this. His actions are only as good as the advice / intel briefing he was given.
If he holds one more rally then you KNOW you are on the list. The only way to stop this monster is severe social distancing. You have been lied to every step of the way..just the flu bro…every fucking step of the way you have been lied to. WHO and the US CDC have lied until they could not lie anymore. WHY? Figure that out yourselves.
Video channel "last messages" compilations of videos out of China–go here–start with part 1, then watch the progression in China. They are about a month ahead of us.
I posted the truth about how this spreads with sauce–and you laughed at me because your lord and savior would not do anything to harm you..if he comes back and says no worries vaccine–do not believe it. IF he even acknowledges this at ALL–lying to you has put all your lives in danger. Wonder who Patient Zero was in Italy? How about that chink that stood in public holding the sign "hug me to prove you are not racist against chinese people". Bank on it.