I'm beginning to think that The Storm may mean something totally different from what most of use have assumed. I think most of us have assumed that it means mass arrests will take place and in that sense The Storm will be directed at the corrupt in politics. While I still think that is true, there may also be another meaning for all of us.
The global economy has been teetering on the brink of collapse for some time now. Since Trump took office he has taken "ownership" of the rising Stock Market (something most financial analysts thought was very foolish) He has also made significant changes to trade deals presumably to make the US better prepared once the global economy finally gives up the ghost and the dollar falls from grace as World Reserve Currency. This event will have huge implications for the world and for the US in particular.
Enter the Coronavirus. Whether you believe this is a real virus or not, whether it was accidentally released or deliberately so, the negative impact on world trade is beginning to show and could end up being highly significant. This could be "The Event" that is the final nail in the coffin for the ailing world economy and the reason world leaders will give to usher in a new financial system, most likely backed by Gold.
This change-over will indeed be a Storm as far as the average Joe is concerned. Once world trade shuts down there will be world-wide shortages of everything and that situation could last for months. Are we prepared, not just physically but also mentally?
Don't forget, in the movie White Squall, the guys at first feel ill-equipped and even betrayed by their captain when The Storm hits. We are, after all, being told to "Prepare For The Storm." What preparation would be required if it only involves sitting back and watching criminals being rounded up and jailed? "Where we go one, we go all," may well refer to the whole world, not just US Patriots. Will the whole world have to ride out the Storm together? What sort of world will emerge when the Darkness finally turns to Light?
What about the arrests? Well, my guess is that they will be used as a very pleasant distraction to bolster morale when the going gets really rough. Once the clouds finally clear, we will have effectively dumped the corrupt overboard and will sail into a new harbour of peace and plenty.