Q post Caps for dough (EST)
Different scraper/aggregators have their script run at different intervals, fe one may be every 5 minutes, another may be every 3 or 7 or 10 minutes.
>It would take a lot of work to recreate them as Q posted, and then deleted.
That work is already done, anon.
EVERY post Q has ever made, even those deleted, even those without a tripcode but verified by Q and CM are on the spreadsheet.
Every single one
It includes
original link to board/chan/thread/post
archived link to same (no need to scroll, goes right to post)
filename of Q's images
archive & direct links to images
and of course text Q posts (and what anon posts that Q responds to)
AND link to screenshots of every Q post
Q posts on the spreadsheet are not numbered like the scraper sites, it goes in order from first at top to latest at bottom, by date & actual post #
I want to add & make clear that the scraper/aggregator sites are fantastic and provide a very valuable service and are very, very much appreciated.
There are different archives for different people in different formats. The redundancy is protective of the data and every archivefag is a Patriot who works hard for this movement and deserves thanks and respect for seeing a need and filling it.
It's a pleasure to serve you and serve with you all
Thank you.
Me either. It confused everyone! But I appreciate the clarification and added those links to the spreadsheet entry to others will know (along with the post Q was referencing)
Thank you!
Graphic on MEGA group by Ryan Dawson (Anti-neocon). Bonus: NXIVM connections map
The more archives, the better!