Anonymous ID: a7593b Feb. 25, 2020, 2:50 p.m. No.8247990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8080



Oddly the US has no test kits–but Iran has them, fucking Trindad / Tobango has them–even Slovakia has them–but not the US.


IF they don't test for it we don't have any cases of it–right? ALL the people dying from the "flu".


I see what I see and I did the right thing warning you.


Do not believe ANY claims of vaccine. That's to keep people compliant– no worries there's a vaccine. They are not telling that there is no such thing as recovery. YOU CAN recover technically. But you still have the virus and it comes roaring back and it is worse the second time around.


Any people here want to follow this, /pol/ is always right. We get leaks–and some of our leaks told us ahead of time that Italy was the EU proving ground. This is the first time since my YEARS on /pol/ that I see a seriousness and a grimness and a sense of finality–our CVG threads are the best place to catch up–but if anyone makes fun of me but does not go watch those videos in progression–fuck you.


But a big thank you to the "just the flu bro" PM of Slovakia for hugging and kissing and shaking hands with all the corrupt vile leaders of the EU the other day. There is almost always a silver lining.


Another big thank you to the South Korean Death cult that so graciously infested Israel. There is no country that deserves it more–how do you suppose this virus suddenly popped up more virulent and altered in bumfuck Iran?


NOW someone go get that fucker BEZOS who sold of billions of his stock and has run off to NZ but not before hiring a shit ton of new delivery people for AMazon Fresh. WHY would he do that? Because mass quarantine people are going to need food delivered.


IF Trump holds one more large rally then you will know for sure who is intended to die in this. SEVERE SOCIAL DISTANCING is the only way to stop it. NOT getting it is the ONLY 100% proven way to survive it.


And for all you elderberry tards (I practice plant medicine and have done so for 30 years or so)..all you soccer moms feeling you have safety with your little potions–go ahead give them to your kids watch them die. This virus LOVES a strong immune system. That's why vaccines will kill you faster. It quadruples its attack on you once it detects antibodies to it. Then you die. So stop thinking you have "the cure" in your medicine cabinet. The only real cure is not to catch it. BTW China has been hiding their 'under 10 numbers'. They are so desperate now that when it is certain the person is not going to live they are zipping them up (not even giving them a shot to carry them off) and carting them to be cremated–ALIVE.


Want to know what this demon virus does to the lungs? pic related is out of Iran-a 2 year old's lungs taken 2 hours apart.


The best way to survive this is not to get it. Yo, Trump–where is your family? Where are all those adorable grandkids? Ivanka?


Plane fags need to watch the rich folks and gov. folks private planes scattering after today's briefing. THe corporations are running this show–that's why Bezos bugged the hell out of the market weeks ago–he KNEW–that's why he's in NZ–where's fucking George Soros?


MAXWELL-EPSTEIN-LIEBER-CANADA CHINK-Wuhan bio4 lab owned in part by George SOROS. SOROS WAS BADLY LOOSING HIS GLOBALIST BATTLE–there isn't anything they won't do.


Americans caught in Russia collecting DNA of russians

JEWS owning all DNA collection companies–

Anonymous ID: a7593b Feb. 25, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.8248061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RV anon again


And one more thing–I posed my RV on how the US could survive this and actually come out OK (lots of deaths but otherwise..). So bear this in mind as thousands of Americans are going to be loosing their jobs through no fault of their own–through the fault of the government for not protecting them like BEST KOREA DID for their people. The US bailed out the banks under Obama–while Americans lost everything.


THIS time they better bail out the little people. Institute immediately a pause button on economics. Issue ration cards and help people make it though or the fucking (((LANDLORDS))) are going to be evicting people who cannot pay rent because they lost their slave wage job–people who lost a wage earner who own homes won't be able to make house payments…it will be, once again, the little people who lose everything. Not to mention the dependence on JIT shipping and China for manufacturing of many of our drugs and components of our drugs.

1/2 Maybe 3


The government did this to us–THE CABAL did this to the world. If the government keeps delaying right information to save the economy (aka corporations while they scatter or adjust their investments and head to their hideyholes) instead of the people and does not say FUCK YOU to the corps–you will know whether or not you've been tricked. NPCs with no ability to engage in self thought are on both sides of this battle and they have become the useful idiots of the cabal. If they follow the plan I posted we could come out OK–they COULD do a financial reset–but only if they shut it the fuck down and care about the people FIRST instead of their precious money.


We the people are about to discover our true worth. Just like the poor chinese wage slaves have. YOU are expendable. Produce and consume–useless eaters–with no value– go watch the progression of what happened to the Chinese. That is US in a month.


NOW someone go get that fucker BEZOS who sold of billions of his stock and has run off to NZ but not before hiring a shit ton of new delivery people for AMazon Fresh. WHY would he do that? Because mass quarantine people are going to need food delivered.


Just the flu bro–believe that at your peril. Go to archives and search "rv anon" or dear intelligence overlords.


I see you fuckers–and I'm not keeping my mouth shut-lucky for you nobody believes me and won't believe me until it's too late–so well have you conditioned them.


The storm is coming–the cytokine storm with Wuflu is DEVASTATING

These people are stupid–they most certainly are

"will put 99% of people in the hospital"


WTF was your lord and master actually saying to you?