Good, we need both and a bridge. Hopefully you're dropping memes, too?
Wisenon, thank you.
To remain bought-into the myths is to still be programmed and unfree. Those myths, too, have to be exposed as myths and understood as such. A great many people, even here, are unwilling to face this. Myths and illusions can be /comfy/.
>The end will not be for everyone
100% correct. Part of the problem is also that we have small country sized farms with monoculture. One of the best things we could do would be to support small-scale farming, and support small-scale farmers and family farming, as well as personal gardening (remember Victory gardens? young anons would not) and more self-sufficiency including garden lots in neighborhoods and cities. Some of these are easier to effect than others.
GMO seeds are a problem, along with over-fertilization and monoculture with little to no time fallow. I don't disagree about glyphosate at all though.
not (you) personally but the sentiment is good
The very hardest thing to give up is religion and religious myths. The second hardest is to realize that those who did research and did their best to analyze it and were well-meaning, but were wrong in many ways. Unfortunately, they have contributed to a lot of confusion and misunderstanding, though they are highly-regarded and considered almost saints.