WATCH LIVE: Health Secretary Alex Azar testifies before Congress on fiscal 2021 budget – 2/26/2020
muh abortions
"you should go back to school….."
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WATCH LIVE: Health Secretary Alex Azar testifies before Congress on fiscal 2021 budget – 2/26/2020
muh abortions
"you should go back to school….."
back it up a few mins
CDC surveillance platform.
or otherwise known as Medical Industrial Complex
Corona Lab - Cross Platform
Corona is a free, cross-platform framework ideal for creating games and apps for mobile devices and desktop systems. Using the powerful but easy-to-learn Lua scripting language, over 1000 built-in APIs, a vast selection of plugins, and Corona Native extensions (C/C++/Obj-C/Java), you can bring your app dreams to reality. You can even monitor projects instantly on multiple devices using Live Builds. These features and more are all part of the Corona ecosystem!