>p anon
what a pussy, o anon way better
>oh yeah
o anon is a faggot, n anon is the one who knows
m anon blows them all away
>p anon
what a pussy, o anon way better
>oh yeah
o anon is a faggot, n anon is the one who knows
m anon blows them all away
How many die from all forms of influenza annually worldwide?
The answer is way more than the latest numbers from the current fear campaign in progress.
Yeah, that was the most offensive part.
Kinda like POTUS being surprised that irredeemable wasn't as offensive to us as deplorable was.
>Vote for Bernie
That's exactly what I'm doing in my state's open primary.
I mean, POTUS doesn't really need my vote for that.
Problem is, I'm worried I might catch the Coronapoz virus from handling the ballot.
Think latex gloves and one of those masks is all I need?
I'm thinking hazmat suit just to be safe.