Anonymous ID: be7082 Feb. 26, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.8257186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus Resource Hub - collections of scholarly, academic papers relating to the coronavirus situation that are free to access (no paywallls) and mostly in English


Cell Press Coronavirus Resource Hub


At Cell Press, we recognize the urgent need to quickly share information that can help us better understand the biology of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) as well as produce a potential vaccine. On our Coronavirus Resource Hub, curated by members of our editorial team, you'll find our policies for submitting papers related to COVID-19, as well as content about the outbreak as it appears in Cell Press journals. Visit our hub 1Science Coronavirus Research Repository


1science, acquired by Elsevier in 2018, was created to expand the scope of existing abstracting and analytics databases. It aims to include quality controlled academic and research documents in all disciplines and languages and from all countries. Its core index, 1findr, currently comprises more than 120 million metadata records, including over 30 million links to free full-text articles selected from about 100,000 referred scholarly journals.


The Coronavirus Research Repository is a custom extraction from 1findr comprising articles on COVID-19, MERS, SARS and coronaviruses in general.


Content hubs from other publishers

Elsevier is among various publishers who are making relevant papers freely available. Others include: Springer Nature | Wiley | NEJM | BMJ | American Society for Microbiology | Chongqing VIP Information


Elsevier's (Cell Press') hub:


Springer Nature's hub:


Wiley's hub:


The New England Journal of Medicine's (NEJM's) hub:


The British Medical Journal's (BJM's) hub:


The American Society for Microbiology's (ASM's) hub:


Chongqing VIP Information's hub (all in Chinese language):