Anonymous ID: e21193 Feb. 26, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.8257026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7083


>Because it seems like so far legalization has only made white entrepreneurs rich, while it was black and Latino weed dealers who bore the brunt of the war on drugs.

Not to say that this statistic isn't real. Just retarded that I have to point out that this is directly related to money, not skin color. Granted, if the police force is racist, then they tend to profile based of skin, which will definitely add to such statistics. But never-the-less, regardless of color, when one deals with the courts, typically the sentence is directly related to how much money one has available, as in whether or not they can afford a lawyer, and if they have deep enough pockets to actually fight the case.


Worth mentioning that people get profiled by cops and courts not only by skin color, by often by class. You don't have to see what color the driver is to tell that the vehicle you're about to pull over is of lesser quality. Most people who have to drive beat up cars typically don't have the money to afford lawyers. Thus, they are far moar likely to be subject to police harassment for the most petty of things. Not uncommon for police to bend or even break laws in order to get "convictions" in these instances, because once one charge is discovered, then the "convict" essentially loses all rights along with their credibility in court. Which is bull shit when one thinks that a harmless plant that has multiple benefits which have been known for centuries has now become considered a "crime" that subjects the "guilty" party to various forms of cruel and unusual punishment including, but not exclusive to slave labor and brainwashing programs.


Anyway, in terms of "white" entrepreneurs, it really boils down to whether or not you have the cash to pay the faggot corrupt government officials for the permits in order to sell "legally". Which is really fucked up in it of itself. Especially, since it was those faggots who spent years denying that cannabis had medicinal benefits, now they think they should be the ones who get to "regulate" the plant, even though the laws they do pass tend to show just how uneducated they are on said substance. Yet, they charge the tax payers so they can "study" it moar, but we force kids to take out tens of thousands of dollars to go to school, just to get bull shit degrees which again, just fucking boils down to whether or not you have money.


This fucking system is obviously rigged, and if we aren't going to address this issue of inequality, not just in terms of skin color, then this whole thing deserves to go down in flames. Cops spent years going after innocent people for "using" a plant, whether for medical or recreational purposes, it really doesn't even matter at this fucking point. Because as of right now, we've had to sit here for years waiting for "arrests" for serious fucking crimes against all of humanity that isn't part f the elite pedo-circle-jerk, and still there are innocent kids getting locked up for smoking weed in what's supposed to be a free fucking country. Hey kids, sorry we can't arrest the bad guys who are still walking freely murdering anyone who knows too much about their fucked up shenanigans. But if you dare smoke weed to deal with the gorillian problems of the world, then your going to jail, because "the law says…"


Not even going to go into how many ways they've managed to waive our rights when they administer various drugs on us. Can't do nothing about that. Cause we have too many laws that protect big businesses. So, just try to deal with it. And in the mean time, if you get attacked by a seething brainwashed liberal, be sure to be compassionate of their feelsies, because they are just exercising their right to express their political ideology. By the way, we can't stop anyone from brainwashing the public. And we just have to pretend like that never happened, because if we say anything then someone becomes liable, and we just can't afford to go there, because someone already stole all the wealth from this nation, and we can't talk about that either. So, just go be a debt slave. And by the way, it's all white people's fault. Blame them

Anonymous ID: e21193 Feb. 26, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8257260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7324


Dude. Fuck off, retard. I know plenty white faggots who lie, cheat, steal, rape, abuse power, etc. just the same, if not more. Hillary Clinton, white AF. Just one fucking example. And that racist bitch has done more crime against humanity than the entire city of Detroit. So, fuck off, retard. Nobody wants a free fucknig ride. We just want goddam equality, faggot. It's not going to fucking happen when greedy fucking psychopaths run our shit. Doesn't fucking matter what fucking color their skin is.


Again. Nobody is asking for a free fucking ride. But it's hella fucking nice to be able to walk down the street or drive to fucking work without fear of getting ass raped by a cop on a power-trip who needs to justify their position by bullying innocent citizens to send before courts who uphold unconstitutional laws, in order to get a fucking paycheck for sitting on a high-chair and judging others as if they think they were god or some dumb shit.


FYI, don't be so fucking retarded. Take the system's dick out your ass, and stand for something other than ignorance

Anonymous ID: e21193 Feb. 26, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.8257457   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I'll take a beating by a cop before a case by a prosecutor.

Some of us didn't really have a option of taking a beating when we get greeted with a gun pressed into the side of our temple when we go to roll down our window. I've seen enough cops who fabricate evidence to convict a innocent person just as quickly as they destroy evidence if might incriminate themselves or their partner.


>Those people are out of fucking control.

But yes, I do agree. Prosecutors are incredibly corrupt themselves. I've been blind-sided moar than once by suprise "charges", without absolutely no fucking evidence what-so-ever, just so they can force someone into taking a plea, just because it's too fucking risky to fight a case where they intend to dump way moar serious charges and fines on, should you be found "guilty", even if you're entirely innocent