Need to put missing screencaps of Q's posts in the dough. For some bizarre reason bakers are not adding certain ones, even though they are supplied.
It's set for 5:30 pm EST, says 65 minutesโฆ
That particular graphic was about the Muslim Brotherhood influence. Are they jews now?
^^^ This guy gets it.
If schools allow misbehaving, violent children to act out and be violent, all order breaks down.
She dindu nuffin!!
After Hussein's "dear colleague" letter it got much worse in schools b/c troublemakers couldn't be punished unless someone of a different race was also punished. Patently unfair to everyone. POTUS is trying to undo this chaos, but this little girl would only get worse without serious consequences like this.
Check on what is there before calling for a dig - there is a lot already, then you can see where to pick up for further digs.
Wow, nice. What's the name of the book?
And I'm lucky since I have a lot nearby, who doesn't love free :)
How is it fake "fake MAGA" to point out something missing and offer that very thing to be helpful?
So your participation here is dependent upon you getting your drug of choice?
If you are sober/clean you will not or cannot participate here because you cannot concentrate unless drugged?
Yikes, what does that say about you, anon?
Good tasteanon
It's more that sometimes I don't recognize the sarcasm or the joke. Aspietard thing apparently
Caffeine is not an illegal drug and false comparison is really weak.
>>8258073 Administration Insiders: Pentagon House Cleaning of Never Trumpers Loom
No doubt they have watched his podcasts and realize what he has on them and the implications.
>>8258157 Sure, baker
Q 3 posts from yesterday are missing caps in the dough.
Also missing 2 caps from 2-17
I have posted the 3 most recent Q post caps several times and for some reason they are not used. I would be happy to post all 5, in one post or separate - all in EST.
I was told last night that "we're not doing that anymore when Q can post in the thread" instead of /pf/ which did not make any sense at all, so I dropped it.
Not making any recriminations, but these are missing and can be supplied easily (prob next thread) - they are the same ones in the off-site gallery for Feb.
Thank you
Clear thinking anon. Quick of wit, fit and ready for battle.
>"bias of perceived weakness"
That was in reference to the weakness of the false equivalency argument you put forth.