Anonymous ID: 5c0cb3 Feb. 26, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.8262464   🗄️.is 🔗kun



ACE13 GENE linked to COVID-19 Coronavirus and Bill Gates


According to the Journal of International Medical Research, 2006; edition 34; pages 272 - 283 (pdf format), Higher than normal ACE13 level may be a sign of sarcoidosis. ACE13 

levels may rise or fall as sarcoidosis worsens or improves. A higher than normal ACE13 level may also be seen in several other diseases and disorders, including: … Lung disease such as asthma, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or tuberculosis. Only people of Asian decent who have the ACE13 gene and who have contracted COVID-19 have died.


Sarcoidosis (SARS - Flu) is an inflammatory disease in which granulomas, or clumps of inflammatory cells, form in various organs. This causes organ inflammation. Sarcoidosis may be triggered by your body's immune system responding to foreign substances, such as viruses, bacteria, or chemicals.


In 2000, ACE13 gene was cloned in a study on hypertension at the School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou City, Ganzsu Province, China. In this study, humans were tested in a clinical trial at Ganzsu Provincial People's Hospital, Lanzhou City, Ganzsu. What is interesting about whatever was in the syringe vials was divided up between two different ethnic populations. The Hans and the Dongxiang, both in northwestern China. Wuhan Province, the epicenter of the COVID19 Coronavirus is located in northwestern China.


No coincidences that Bill Gates holds the vaccine patent for COVID-19 and several other dangerous viruses Gates was summoned to the Oval Office in 2017. Potus knew about this virus and he prepared for the attempt to crash our economy. When Potus held a presser today on the Coronavirus and preparedness. Potus Geotus was telling us. Patriot Anons in his dual meaning message today that we need to be prepared not just for the possible spread of that virus (false flag) but, for martial law when political arrests are made. This virus may have been developed as a bio weapon for genocide of different ethnic groups by China and the world's elite cabal and at the same time literally killed two birds with one stone. Create mass fear and economic crash. Notice false flags will begin to increase weekly. We shouldn't worry though because Potus Geotus has it all! Godspeed President Trump.



I welcome more digs on this subject. No coincidences - very scary.