Except it isn't and you are on TEAM SATAN.
You work for the (((COMMUNIST JEWS)))
Very clear in what I am saying.
You are ANTI-WHITE. We can not have "AMERICA" without White People.
They kind of sort of you know MADE AMERICA. If you are against continuing this then you are anti american or a jew.
Yeah he is a leftist kike. Sorry to pop your baloon. Sorry not sorry. Stop sucking jew cock and betraying your country for shekels faggot.
No jew. You are not going to weasel your way out of this. You jews are going to be held accountable for your ONGOiNG crimes.
The REAL RED PILL is that it is the jews.
The commie piece of shit jews that are engaging in UN-AMERICAN activities as we speak.
Your days are over jew. Tick tock. Its over.
Uhh. You just became obvious.