Anonymous ID: 83d646 Feb. 27, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.8267494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8266808 (PB)

Additional detail: The parents, (foreign leader) traveled to the US under assumed identities. They couldn't be known to be here, or the plan would not have worked. For the right reasons, where there is a will, there is a way. F legal barricades. Insert picture of Trinity blowing away a Matrix agent at point blank range.


What do you think of that, comp'd big shots in the military and spy agencies? Think you're the only ones allowed to fight the good fight? I'm laughing at the superior agencies with all your money and power! Some of us were born here, at this time, for a specific reason. Some of us have been protected since day one.


Literally in my case because I was attacked by a sibling with a hammer the day I was brought home from the hospital. Many attacks followed, including being thrown off a cliff and landing in the only spot with water instead of rocks. Also awakened from a blood poisoning induced coma seconds before a vehicle smashed into our car, crushing the door where my head had been laying seconds prior. Also being instructed by a voice (while underwater) exactly how to get out of a certain drowning situation. Still here, fuckers! I'm coming for you, and I'm not alone.