From lb
The Slave Party says blacks cannot be racist.
What the Slave Party is saying, is that no black person can think that black people are superior to any other race.
Because to the Slave Party, the thought that any black person could be proud of being black is anathema.
How you gonna keep 'em down in the plantation, if they get uppity?
On a related note, how did the USA allow the Slave Party to survive the Civil War they lost, and the first GOP president they assassinated???
Daily Reminder that the Slave Party is the most racist organization in the US, then and now.
Slave Owners
Fought to preserve slavery
Formed the KKK to kill GOP blacks and suppress the vote
Jim Crow laws
Segregation now, segregation forever!
Fought the 13 and 14 Amendments
Fought the 1957 Civil Rights act
Fought the 1964 Civil Rights act
"We'll have the niggers voting for us for 200 years!"
LBJ, Slave Party President
Trump is going to get 20%+ of the black vote.
Bank on it.