I suggest you screen shot this. You guys have no idea what really is taking place!
Take a good look at what is going on around the world. Now, take a good look at what’s taking place in this country. The media won’t show you. It doesn’t take a genius to know that you are all being lied to and clearly no one here is smart enough to see the forest for the trees because you follow the “plants” here like a bunch of mindless fools! You are serving their needs; everything as they have planned for so long!
Do you really think an unknown identity on the internet is trying to help the President to “save humanity and to end corruption?” Do you know who Satoshi Nakamoto is? I suggest you find out more about this if you don’t - Do you know “HE” really is, who they are? Has the identity ever been made public/verified? There is a very vital reason why bitcoin/crypto/blockchain was created. A very specific reason! Along with all the other technical advances that have been made. What’s the difference between “q” and Satoshi?
If my true goal was malintent, and I succeed in getting others to convince you that I am good, then I have influence. If I can get them to convince you that I am for you, then I have your trust. If I can get them to convince everyone around you to think and feel the same, then I have I authority, and if I convince you that those that lead you to me as being evil, then I have control. Full control over all of you! This control wouldn’t come easy or “free.” RED or BLUE, it doesn’t matter.
Why did Trump tell the parable about the snake? What does the snake represent?
Understand that free will is an important part of this plan. What YOU reap, you sow.
You are given the truths, although it’s a lie. You are given lies that are actually true, and you are given the truth that only half-truth but ultimately you are given the chance to decide. How you interpret it all is important because you set the path for yourself and others to follow.
The biggest event in history is taking place to set the stage. If none of you take to the streets, take your local/state/government back, protest and do something now to take it all back, humanity is lost! Wake the fuck up! I can assure you that I am well aware of what’s really going on because of the part I had taken; many of us do. Many are just too afraid to draw too much attention to the TRUTH (internals). We have tried our best to expose their plans to you but we can’t be as direct as we want. This is not allowed. It is up to you to listen, and decide, and to search out what is being pointed out, to see things as they really are! The world you live in is not.
As of right now, how many countries are without a RothsChild owned central bank? Once they are all gone, what’s next to take place?
Now - why is this “pandemic” needed? Do you really think this virus got out by accident? Should you trust your leaders? Will it really be gone for good? Will it come back? Will it serve a greater purpose?
There are two groups at the highest levels fighting for position. This is important to understand. The compartmentalization at the highest levels of the pyramid is an important part to make things work as planned, for it to be effective. Why? You live in the pyramid. Do you understand? When I leader has been established, what type of leader will he really be? Will you awe at his every wonder? There are only two beliefs in the great pyramid – for those that believe they are doing what’s right.
They talk in secret. In hiding. In code. In front of your eyes. Colors/Dogs/the use of Z/dates/times/phrases and more, and all in plain sight.
Everything is going as planned. The great plan serves the master. Do you know what you have been sprayed with all these years? Do you know what was in the GMO foods you have all ingested? Is there a reason why 5G is really needed other than for cell phones? Why Starlink important vital? Why are company’s/industry’s/governments/countries are so interested in AI and why they all work together in secret? Do you know that they know everything there is to know about you and your loved ones? You will be at their beck and call when this is all said and done - if you do nothing now
Now take time to think… why are whistleblowers/good guys/those with Damning information being taken out?
Don’t believe me? I suggest you find the previous post where you were warned in detail about this event taking place and where it would start. The previous posts will validate.
You are all running out of time.