Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 03/28/18 (Wed) 22:17:17 23de7f No.825929
HRC 2.12.09
Very BAD!
>not to be missed from last bread
Well shill, he just did.
You replied, instead of something else.
Now I'm pointing out that you're simple, instead of doing something else.
Pretty sure that's the definition of distraction, dumbass !
No, he's being serious, and stop calling him Shirley. Not supposed to dox anons
Q posted but his trip didn't.
Code error, or hacker interference.
Don't know if 1-2 to complete is hrs or days.
Life is getting better in either case.
. . . and because the media now thinks it's OK to break into your house to pole around and take photographs.