The proof is that you jewfags spam your jewfaggyness as much if not more than pelicanfag or aimfag ever did.
Now fuck off, you're only digging yourself deeper every time you spam, you stupid clown tool.
yeah, a little shitposting never hurt anyone.. This place is gonna slide the rest of the night anyway now that Q's come and gone for the evening ;p
I got the impression a few weeks ago that the clowns now think convincing people to filter will disrupt information sharing..
They're too stupid to realize that the only ones that actually filter are the still-wet-behind-the-ears-newfags… And even they figure out pretty quickly that the filter is useless against vpn. I don't filter at all, and I'm pretty sure most hardened anons don't bother, either.
Nope. Why would they jeopardize their mission like that?
They know how we get with shills, they've been watching us long enough…